||upside down||

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"Dan do you want to play eye spy with me?" I laughed sitting in my pod next to Dan when I spotted Phil filming him.

"Fuck off." The two bickered for a good ten minutes straight as I was relaxing myself for the 18 fucking long flight to Australia! But all I could think about was the spiders, I died seeing one in the boy's apartment but spiders live and breath in Australia.

" did you guys see any large spiders in Australia?" From my knowledge they've both been twice, for attanoff and when they were younger. The two of them seemed to be looking back on some not so fond memories.

"The first two minutes in Australia I got a spider in my face." My blood ran cold. Why?!?

"That makes me feel loads better." I frowned while Dan chuckled.

"What about when I was with my family and...." Moving both my hands over my ears I shook my head.

"No Phil I've had enough disturbing imagery for one 18 hour flight." Curling into a ball ignoring the apologies, music was the only thing to comfort me for a good hour. Ed had told me to call her when we made it to Melbourne but I was dreading it. Sex was the only thing on her mind and now all she wants to do now to talk about what I've done with Dan. God, I wish she hadn't found out yet. And now that's all on my mind... Why!?!!

"You suddenly look stressed?" Dan must have been watching my melt down for the past five minutes.

"Just spiders you know how it is." He laughed at my scared smile kissing my cheek. For the next three hours, I watched two Disney movies, big hero six and Mulan. Trying not to sing out ' let's get down for business.' was the hardest thing of all in those two hours.

"This is ridiculous, there are still 15 hours to go," I whisper whined to the two boys because people were starting to sleep. "I'm gonna die."

"We all are someday." I giggled lightly punching his shoulder.

"No shit Sherlock. For entertainment, I'll sleep." Dan laughed some more until Phil reminded him people were sleeping, including myself. But this was only the beginning of the most annoying flight of my life. I awoke as an announcement was called for food. Groaning I saw Phil looking out the window while Dan was still asleep. Smiling to myself I took a photo this made Phil turn grinning. 

"Edit his face to have a moustache." Giggling I did so making Phil laugh at my added monocle and top hat. This went on for a few minutes before a flight attendant came with some toast with eggs. Making sure to grab some for Dan he woke up soon after. 

"Enjoy your beauty rest?" Phil chuckled while Dan groggily woke up. 

"I never wanted your face to be the first thing I see when waking up." I almost spat out the orange juice in my mouth. "Wow calm down, you don't want stains on your tour merch." Coughing I grinning passing over the plate of food. Continuing to eat I sighed. 

"When will this flight end?" I groaned cracking my knuckles. 

"6 hours and 30 minutes." Rolling my eyes at Dan's precise answer this wasn't going to end!


"Our flight will be ending shortly, please fasten your seatbelts." My body bobbed around excited to leave this plane. Dan chuckled taking a hand in mine as I got out my phone to take a photo of the sky leaning over both Dan and Phil.

"You right there?" I giggled lightly sitting back up right. The passing minutes were agony, this plane can go to hell after we get off.

"Let's just get off as soon as possible." Dan nodded in agreement.

Then we waited until the bell went off for the doors to open. *Bing*

"Let's go! Melbourne Australia here we come!" 


"Why is it so cold?! I'm going to send a formal complaint about false advertising." Rolling my eyes at Dan who was almost shivering on the spot as we where by the beach.

"It's could winter Mr Howell." Walking ahead to jump over the railing on to the sand I kicked off my sneakers to do a cartwheel. "The sands so smooth!" Beaches here are so amazing. Although it was cold I went over to the water to see how cold it really was....... Icy cold. Goosebumps ran over my skin making me shiver.  "Don't touch the water it's a little chilly." Running back over my feet were going a little red but I managed to pull myself up to sit on the wooden boards

"Yeah, no shit." Lightly slapping Dan's shoulder he grabbed my waist kissing me for a moment. Although it was cold the sunset was so pastel and pretty.
"Back to the hotel room, I'm gonna freeze to death." Phil pointed towards the hotel while I grabbed my shoes.

"Ew, so much sand in between my toes .. I hate it." The uncomfortable feeling got worse when putting on my perfectly good shoes only to now be coated with sand. It's never going to come out.

Sorry about the late update of two weeks

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Sorry about the late update of two weeks. School is not cool! But Melbourne is and I finally got to see interactive introverts!!! Incredible loved every minute of it!

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