||Night out Part 2||

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Dan and Tylor came back with drinks. Alchohol.

"Girl you should have told me you were allergic, I got you a mocktail." Dan gave me a look and I sighed in relief.

"Thank you." I smiled taking it from him. I wonder what Dan said I was allergic too? A conversation followed about who I was and everything alike.

"You should come on my channel sometime." I looked between Tylor and Dan who stood next to me.

"I'm not a YouTuber. I'm not relevant." Tylor looked at Dan giving him a face.

"You need to do something about her self-worth issues." I laughed shaking my head.

"No, I'm just not known." Tylor shook his head. But before continuing a different song came on.

"Oh God yes!" And moved into the crowd singing along. Another billion conversations later and I was ready for a break. Sneaking off outside the cold air hit my skin. I had a few texts from Ed asking about the party and I just sent a photo back.

"There you are, I thought I lost you." I turned back and smiled at Dan who shut the door behind him. Humming in response I took another sip of the drink I had. "You alright?" I nodded before sighing.

"I'm just tired. I don't know how you do it." Dan laughed a little joining me at the railing.

"I've practised with the amount of events like these I've been to with Phil." It was quiet for the longest time. I just stared up at the sky loving the fact I could breathe properly again. 
"I know this isn't the best time to talk about things but what happened four years ago?" I could tell Dan was staring right at me awaiting an answer. It's been too long since this has come up, I've waited too long. My breath froze and the air gained weight chilling my bare legs.

"I-i  think we should wait until we get back home." Dan sighed checking the time.
I felt light headed from the stress, I almost forgot about this and now I felt as if I was going to faint.

"Oh God are you ok? We should probably get going. It's 2 o'clock." Taking his hand we both walked out fetching Phil who was in the middle of a conversation. We didn't bother saying goodbye to Tylor assuming he was too drunk to remember we said anything and went out to drive home.


Dan hadn't brought up the conversation we were having at the party, not really even talking to me. I was sitting on his bed as Dan searched for a short for me to wear.

"I'll tell you everything." I blurted out making it almost a blurred mess of words. Dan turned back to me almost in shock for my extreme voice. "J-just don't freak out. I've never told anyone about this before." Sniffing back a tear I started telling him the when story. Everything it just all rolled off my tongue as my eyes glued themselves to Dan's checkered bedsheets like my life depended on it. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I finished explaining what happened.

"Shhh, it's ok." Dan soothed me pulling me into a close hug while rubbing a thumb over my shoulder. It left like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I've almost ever even mentioned that day to anyone, I always pull it to the back of my mind. "Take deep breaths." I was so concentrated on my sobbing I didn't hear the door open and Dan ushering Phil away, waving his hand frantically around so he got the point.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Its a day I'd like to forget." Dan shook his head rocking us from side to side.

"I'm sorry for pushing the conversation. I didn't think it would be anything like this. Let's get some rest alright?" Nodded I whipped the tears from under my eyes, taking the shirt and quickly getting changed so we could snuggle together under the sheets.

-one week later-

I was sitting in the corner of the room while I worked on some of the staging designs for Dan and Phils new stage show. I was surprised when they asked me about it and said they also wanted me to design some of the merch but I gladly accepted.

"But do you think its too much. What if the lighting doesn't show it off as well?" Mandy the main stage designer was helping me, while I was mostly working on the colours she made the final decisions.

"It should be fine if we make the neon lights are at 60 lux and the main light are here. We could always test it out on the stage." I said pointing at the diagram. Good thing my uncle loved talking about lighting all the time or I would be hopeless at this.

"Ahhh." We stopped seeing Phil shooting an arrow across the room almost hitting Dan in the face.

"Phil you couldn't have been any closer to breaking Dan's nose then." I laughed as my head was tilted to the side.

"Alright, archery expert I'd like to see you do better." Mandy nudged my shoulder making me roll my eyes and standing up from my comfy seat.

"Fine. Watch and learn." Going over I took it from his hands and aimed at a board shooting straight in the middle.

"Come on that was a total flook" I fisted the air in victory as Dan clapped walking over.

"I'm not gonna lie. I thought I'd hit the wall." Phil laughed taking the bow from me and getting out a camera.

"Nice shooting." Dan pressed his hands against my stomach so I was pushed against him. This making it a backwards hug.

"Look at the wild couple in the mist of mating season..." Phil was narrating holding his phone across the room. Dan tossed the closest thing to him, which happened to be a plastic ball and it hit Phil right where the phone was.

"Fuck off Phil." Dan playfully said as I got the bow and arrow again aiming it at him.

"They have spotted their first prey." I was about to shoot when Phil put on hand up to surrender. " I surrender. I've raised the white flag."

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