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Dan and Phil, we're filming one of the last videos before they were leaving for there tour. I can't believe they're leaving for five months. I would be about to see them every five minutes anymore. Sighing I continued drawing out a webpage for a small real estate company. Boring but it's good pay.

"(Y/N)!" Ed practically screamed out making me groan.

"What!" I yelled turning to the door expecting her to pop in at any moment.

"Dan wants you for a video!" She shouted even louder. I groaned more standing up tossing on a decent outfit and some shoes

"Stop shouting I'll lose my hearing." I stretched walking out. Ed was by the door holding some keys in her hand looking excited. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're like the Grinch with that smile on your face." Ed can do many things but keeping a secret is not one of them. One time she told me about my surprise birthday party by reading a text message about it aloud to me..... It didn't end well for her.

"Oh, nothing... I might be out when you get back. My mum's birthday is coming up remember." Nodding remembering that I took the keys from her. "Make good choices." I rolled my eyes at her shoving Ed's shoulder.

"Don't talk to strangers," I replied with trotting out of the apartment towards my neighbours. As I knocked the door opened showing Dan and Phil ready to leave.

"Hey (y/n)!" Phil cheered stepping out of the way for Dan to hug me. "And they reunite once again!" I roll my eyes at the phone he was holding.

"Phil, how many times do I have to tell you not to voiceover my life?" Dan questioned him and I just giggled to myself.

"What's the video's theme today?" I asked looking over to Phil who was putting the phone away.

"Giving the people what they want!" They both cheered. I took a step back raising my hands.

"Wow." The two of them laughed and we all started walking down the hall. Ever since I've told Dan about my past I feel so stress-free and more open to my feelings. It's refreshing. "So what was I called out for?"

"Oh, we're remaking our old Manchester video and thought you should come along." Not fighting against the idea, I just went along with it. 

Later on, we met up with some friends of there's, Phil said they were killing two birds with one stone. 

"What's something else we should do for the video?" I glanced over at Dan who was looking through what I assumed was twitter. The two of us were sitting by a fountain near their old apartment while waiting for Phil to return. I gestured for Dan to pass his phone and scrolled down for a few seconds. 

"The yoga challenge!" I screamed out before laughing. "Yes do that one."  Gasping out over the thought of them even trying to do yoga. 

"Fine but if we do yoga then you have to come on our European tour."  Dan burst out and I just raised an eyebrow. Over the past month of helping them out with ideas and my own opinions it never occurred to me that they would be leaving for months. 6 of them. That's a long time to be away. "It would only be for a few weeks and you could easily work while we're travelling around. I don't think I could live two days without you." Looking back up at him Dan grabbed one of my hands. It was so warm and comforting  I almost forgot to say something.

"I'll have to talk to Eden, but what's gonna happen when you start going to other countries?" Dan sighed softly shuffling closer to me.

"We can see how the first week goes but maybe you could come away with us. I may have booked an extra seat for you already." He grinned at me eagerly.

"You did not Mr Howell." I gasped shoving him playfully making him laugh.

"Oh yes, I did. Just so you know one of the things people want to see is you. So that's what we're gonna do." I giggled as he stood up wrapping me in a hug. His white raincoat was slightly cold against my skin but I didn't mind.

"Stop embracing, we have a train to catch." Phil popped out of nowhere pointing dramatically over to the right towards the station.

"Oh my God you spat in my face!" They're doing the yoga challenge. I can't believe they're doing this, while I have my popcorn to eat sitting on the couch. I gasped out laughing my head off. Making them both turn to me. "Oh, so you think it's funny. Me having Phils spit on my face?" Dan looked quite threatening standing near the edge of the couch still in the frame of the camera.

"Heck yeah. Name one person watching this video who isn't pissing themselves right now." Dan grabbed my ankle dragging me closer to him. I screamed smiling widely trying to defend myself with a pillow.

"Phil save me!" I pleaded as Dan picked me up. The only thing Phil did was raise his hands taking a step back.

"I'm not getting involved in this." Rolling my eyes as I was hungover Dan's shoulder. He just laughed until a banging noise was in the other wide if the wall. "Uh, Dan that was the neighbours. Maybe put (y/n) down." Smirking Dan slowly placed me back on the couch.

"I'll let you both get back to the video." They went on with the yoga while I went away so I could calm down slightly. That's when my phone rang.

"(Y/n) here." I quickly spoke filling a glass with water.

"Hey, it's Drake. Is Ed near you?"

"Uh no, I'm at Dan's place, why?" Jumping to the bench I waited for an answer.

"I'm planning on taking Ed away for a holiday since I finish uni in two weeks as a surprise." I smiled at what he was saying, how cute.

"That sounds great. For how long?" That's when he sighed.

"About two months. She's been working so much and I've covered her work for that time. I was just making sure that's fine with you." I thought for a moment. I was already going on the UK tour with the guys but knowing Ed is away most of the time means I can leave with no worries.

"Yeah that's totally fine I was working something out with Dan and Phil anyway. Also, this would have to do with you popping the question to her would it?" He hung up the phone straight away. Ha got him! I knew that would happen soon.

"Hey Dan, Phil !" I shouted as I finished my glass of water walking into the living room seeing them look up to me.

"Guess who can come on tour." I grinned.

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