||Everything goes to shit||

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"don't go showing my boyfriend all my fazes." The party was going great I purpose other than my whole family exchanging stories about me.

"I didn't know you danced in high school?" Dan raised an eyebrow at me while looking at me on stage.

"Yeah, it was either that or basketball." I sighed remembering that horrible time in my life called school.

"But was really sucks is that you were actually good at dancing." Slapping Sam's arm she laughed. "What it's true. Remember that rutin you made with Simon two years back. That was amazing." I groaned out and Simon our cousin came into the room.

"Simon, do you remember that dance you did with (y/n) two years back?" Simon nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Yeah, that was sick!" I cringed sinking deeper into my seat.

"A performance is needed everyone moves the furniture and finds me two desk chairs." I hit my forehead with my palm. What the hell!

"Shit, this is getting out of hand." Dan chuckled at my dismay.

"Do you remember the dance (y/n)?" Simon asked me and I sighed in defeat nodding.

"We spent days putting it together, how could I forget." Everyone gathered around with Dan next to my dad smiling at me. Biting my inner cheek I regretted everything. Why did Dan have to stare so much it's making this more nerve-racking.

The family clapped both me and Simon. The two of us hugged.

"God I've missed you cus." I laughed ruffling Simons hair even if he was slightly taller than me. 

"Time for cake!" One of my aunties called out and everyone moved out of the room towards the dining room with the cake I made. Dan stood still in the same spot and I went over to him smiling. 

"You can dance." I laughed shaking my head. 

"I can dance," I repeated grabbing both his hands swinging them from side to side with a smile on my face but let out aside when the doorbell rang. 

"(Y/N) could you get the door, it might be Franswa with the beers." Dan snorted and I playfully hit his shoulder. 

"You better go get Franswa." He laughed trying to add onto his already posh accent. I laughed smiling back to him when turning back to the door. It looked like the person was trying to twist the door open, when opening the door myself I stumbled back. My mouth went dry and eyes went wide. Standing right in front of me was my mother who I had not heard from in almost nine months. She snarled looking pissed. 

"So you're here, the rotten slutty bitch." Being taken back by her words I couldn't say anything. Its been so long since anyone's words affected me.  "I can't believe your father even cares enough to invite you to his party. If it were me you'd be the last person." My hands went into fists as she started dishing everything out. I'm fine, I lived with her for years and her constant rapid word fire. " Move out of the way you fucking bitch. I'm here to see my mother." Her words stung. More than before, more than ever before, why would she come all this way has she truly forgotten what happened.

"Shut up!" I shouted and the room behind us went quite. She stared at me for a moment gritting her teeth and before I knew it I got slapped in the face. It echoed in my eardrums. My body went numb as it hit the floor. 

"Listen here bitch, I'm your mother like it or not and you can never speak to me like that!" That shout brought everyone into the hallway and Dan didn't know what to do like most of the family. 

"Jessica, what are you doing here?" The two of them had a stare down. 

"I've come to see my mother and this slut got in the way." My gut twisted to the point I thought I'd throw up. 

"Are you ok?" Dan came to sit next to me to check my cheek after the shock washed away. Not moving he saw the red mark. I could feel how shaken up he was when his agitated fingers grazed across my cheek. 

"Is this your new fucker. Guess you finally found a good looking one huh?" Mum smirked and dad stood between us. 

"Stay away from her Jessica. I think you've traumatized her enough. Leave."  

"Not until I see my mother!" She cried out. Everyone looked at her confused. 

"Your mother is dead. She has been dead for over four years, that's what started all this." Those words also hurt. Reliving the fighting. I can't believe we were all happy once upon a time. Standing quickly from where I sat. Ignoring everyone who watched as I ran out the door of the house. I didn't need to speak with anyone or seeing any other life form and just kept running to my safe place. A lake I often went to when visiting Dad and Sam, running to the jetty I fell onto my knees. Screaming into the knees I cried for god knows how long. The night had settled in so no one was around. Good. I breathed loudly leaning back to look at the sky with my legs dangling over the edge. That's when I heard footsteps on the wooden boards of the jetty. I bet Sam knew where to find me. They started walking slower when getting closer. Not moving an inch I could see the black outfit they were wearing. How did Dan find me? He seemed out of breath sitting down next to me not speaking just looking up to the same sky as me. 

"So that's your mum." He sighed out and I watched his breath fog the air for a moment. 

"Yeah," I whispered almost tearing up again. 

"Quite a character." That's when he looked down at my lying figure. "Did she do that often?" 

"The yelling yes, but that slap was the first. Back then I never talked back to people. You're a bad influence."Dan chuckled lying down also. 

"At least we can get one thing out from this. I'm a good-looking guy." I raised an eyebrow only to remember mums comment on him. I laughed along with Dan, Ignoring the pain In my mind. Turning to the side I hung an arm around him. 

"Thanks for finding me. You're the only person who can talk to me now." Dan wrapped an arm behind me pulling me closer to him. 

"I'll always be here." I rolled my eyes at the remark.

"You cheesy baster." Dan chuckled yet again kissing you quickly on the lips.

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