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It felt weird having a ring on my finger, I still couldn't believe it. Looking down to the little ring it made me smile. Dan was still sleeping while spooning me like always, I don't know how Ed would react... Probably overreacting, either way, she's gonna notice, it'll be the first thing she sees. 
The time was just past 11 and knowing Dan wouldn't be getting up anytime soon I started scrolling through my phone. Having a new client. finally. I went through some work emails, nothing too exciting. Then my phone was taken off me.

"Good morning sleepy head, can I have my phone?" Dan shook his head putting it under his pillow.

"Morning my fiancee." He smiled while saying that, taking a moment to shift myself I lent my head on his bare shoulders. "You're so beautiful." He hummed into my head kissing behind my ear. Giggling I wiggled around. The mood dies down and Dan rested his head on mine. "Phil and I will be going to Brazil tomorrow." He whispered pulling me close. I hummed knowing I wasn't able to go, they'll be gone when Ed gets back so I told her I'd stay.

"Yeah, I know. But it's only for three days, you can sneak into my apartment when you get back." He chuckled softly intertwining our fingers together.

"I really want you to go, I'll be telling the whole world about our engagement." My breath hitched, is that the right thing to do?

"Why not wait until after, I would prefer telling my family in person, instead of them finding out through the internet." Dan bit his lip thinking for a moment.

"I'll start planning then." He kissed me before standing up with only his jocks on before walking to grab his pants. "I'll make sure to contact both our parents so they meet and we'll tell them over dinner." I nodded stretching up wearing one of Dan's shirts.

"Thanks for doing this." Smiling he nodded leaving the room, I wonder if he's the type of guy to only freak out about the wedding the night before?.... Yep totally.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Phil said to me as they started lifting their luggage at the airport. I nodded kicking the ground in front of me.

"Yep I'm sure, Ed will be back tomorrow and will need help working out her new apartment." The two looked at me confused and concerned.

"She's moving out?" Dan asked and I nodded once again.

"Yeah, she's looking for a new place to live with Drake. They said it might take a few months but they are married so it makes sense." I sighed thinking about not living with her anymore. It's strange after all this time it's all ending so fast.

"(Y/n)!" Turning quickly Ed ran jumping into me.

"You fucking crazy bitch let me breathe!" I yelled almost toppling into Dan. "I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow.?" She shook her head before sighing.

"That plane was cancelled so we had to come back a day early." Drake was trailing behind her with all the bags. "Anyway I didn't hear much from you, anything interesting happen?" I moved a hand over my mouth to stop me from coughing then she grabbed hold of my hand gasping. Ed whipped her head between Dan and I for a solid thirty seconds before screaming.
"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?" Slapping the side of her head shut her up. Dan grabbed me into a hug before I did anything else.

"Yes now shut your trap before everyone finds out." That's when dan and Phil's flight was called. "Here Ed go to the car it's in parking A12." Walking over to the waiting bay I hugged Phil goodbye first. "Don't go eating the whole pantry while you're gone alright." He laughed saying 'no promises'. Dan didn't look happy leaving me, sighing at his face we hung onto one anything for a few minutes.

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispered into my neck kissing it a few times. Sniffing I didn't say anything worried I'd start crying. We've never been this far apart all year and now he'll be gone for two and a half days?

"Call me once you get to the hotel." I choked out parting from the embrace when hearing the last call for his flight. Quickly we kissed before he jogged over to the boarding area.

I was moping around for the next few hours. Drake had to drive the car while I lent my head on Ed's shoulder trying to calm myself. "I can't believe he's got the nerve to fly off days after his proposal." I just sniffed pulling down my hood more.

"This was planned months ago, Ed."

"So was his proposal, I know I told you to stay but I think you should have gone." Shaking my head I circled into her shoulder making Ed pat my head.

"No, I think some girl talk was needed anyway." Her face went bright almost beaming with excitement.

"Yay, definitely staying up late tonight." I sighed shaking my head at her.

"No, you're catching up on your sleep. We'll talk tomorrow alright." Ed huffed not wanting to listen but she'll turn into the grouch if staying up late tonight.

And with that she was asleep when getting home, Drake carried her to the bedroom and we both took some time unpacking the car. "You go to bed, you must be tired." I smiled at him and Drake nodded leaving the room. When jumping into bed to start doing some nail polish my phone rang.

"So you made it to the hotel?" I asked turning on the lamp in the dim lit room.

"Yeah, it's a nice place. You made it to the apartment alright?" I smiled still focusing on painting my nails.

"Yep. It took me the whole car ride to get Ed to sleep." He chuckled into the phone, I took a moment before sniffling.

"(Y/n) are you doing ok? I only left earlier today." I laughed letting a heavy sigh.

"I just not used to you being gone."

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