||Moving in||

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"(Y/N) get your lazy ass out of bed!" I groaned opening my eyes to see an angry Eden standing by my door. " It's 1 in the afternoon and we still have a lot to do." She ordered me.

"In my defence, I was decorating my room until 2 am." I groggily said rolling over. And she fell asleep in the middle of her second half of her pizza. Eden walked away to do something and I shut my eyes again.

"You better not be asleep again." She called from down the hall.

"No of course not, what would make you think that?" I said still lying under the covers reading memes on Tumblr.

"We'll have to go food shopping later today or tomorrow to get everything." That struck me out of my trance and I bolted for the bathroom. I had an onsweet a small one but still. Looking at myself is not something I do before having a shower in case I have a heart attack. Having a quick rinse I blow dried my hair and quickly put some makeup on.

"I want to get all these boxes out of this place come on!" She yelled. We have ages to do that, I rolled my eyes putting on some skinny jeans and black t-shirt this way I don't care if it gets dirty.

"I'm coming you, crazy lady!" I groaned." I'll get the rest from the car." She nodded knowingly and I went down the hall. I heard one of the doors opened but because I hate human interaction I went on walking.

"And (y/N)," Eden said and I turned back to her. "Get some Starbucks from across the road." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh yes, your majesty." I bowed giving her the rude finger. I heard a snicker beside me and saw two guys standing outside what I assumed was their apartment. They looked slightly awkward from what they just saw

"Dan stop it's rude." The slightly shorter one said with black hair in a combed fringe. I turned around and went on my way.

"Hey don't ignore our new neighbours!" Ed shouted at me.

"I'm sorry I thought I was on a mission, besides human interaction is the last thing I want." I saluted the three of them as the elevators doors shut. I was hoping not to see any people today other than Ed but Starbucks is important to the two of us so I'll have to deal with it. At least that guy thought I was funny. Unlocking the car I got out some change that I would need and went over to the metal door by the garage gate. I hissed when the sharp light shon against my face. I'm too tired for this. Eden was right Starbucks was right across the road, I thought when seeing the white glowing sign above the store. I'm impressed that she even saw it with how tired she got. Opening the door the smell of coffee mixed with sweetness filled my nose. It was quite empty it being almost 2 and a Wednesday.

"Can I have one Caffè Latte and one Caffè Mocha, please." The girl nodded putting the order through after I gave her my money. I sat on one of the high chairs staring down at my phone not looking at the other people in the room. 

"I swear to god Sarah I'm not lying!" I heard the girl whisper behind me, I rolled my eyes trying to find my headphones so I didn't hear that stupid conversation. 

"Well, where is he then?" The other girl asked, damn I forgot my headphones, I sighed. 

"Dan will come, he's been seen here a lot, people say this is the area he moved to." Wow, those two girls are creeps, who's this Dan guy. I bet their stalkers, I shook my head ignoring the conversation for a while. 

"How can we miss him! He's like 6'3" Jess." The two girls were getting louder, whats taking this order so long? "We should just go he'll be posting a new live stream soon." The two girls stood from there seats, finally. That guy must be a Youtuber or something. 

"Order for (Y/N)!" A lady called and I grabbed the cup holder thanker walking out of the store. 

This is going to be hard, I thought looking at the number of boxes I had to carry up to the apartment along with the Starbucks. I decided to call Eden because it would be easier. 

"(Y/N) why are you calling you know I want the Caffè Latte." I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't let me explain myself you idiot, I need your help to bring the rest of the boxes up." I sighed setting down the Starbucks next to the boxes. 

"Why can't you just take two trips, I'm in the middle of a conversation." 

"Yeah with me, come on I thought I was the lazy one," I growled, I heard a laugh, it sounded like our neighbours that I met only 10 minutes ago. I can't believe she kept a conversation with them.  

"I'm not going down." She sang out.

"Fine I'll just have two drinks instead of one, I did buy them after all," I mumbled. She groaned out in anger

"I'll be there in a moment." We spoke through the grit if her teeth. In a few moments she came down and I held out the boxes for her to take.

"How are the neighbours?" I asked grabbing two boxes from the upholder.

"They're so funny (Y/N) and attractive." She nudged my side. I snorted out nudging her back. 

"You have a boyfriend remember," I said to her, Eden been dating the same guy Drake for 4 years, they met at school senior year and now are like an old married couple. He decided to go across the country to study his Doctor degree and They meet at least every fortnight. Eden thought if she lived in the city they could see each other more since its closer to him. 

"I mean for you silly when was the last time you even thought about dating?" She questioned me pressing the button on the elevator. 

"Well, you mentioned it just then." She kicked me on the side and I almost dropped everything I was holding. 

"See this would be good for you. I don't want you to die alone in my basement because you couldn't get yourself a boyfriend!" I frowned at her. "That's why I invited them both over for dinner." She grinned at me and my eyes went wide. The doors of the elevator opened.

"I swear to god you're just like a mother." I sighed hitting my head lightly on the boxes I was holding. 

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