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"What are we going to make for dinner!" Eden grabbed my shoulders back and forward. We had only just finished our Starbucks and she just jumped on me. I raised my hands in defence. 

"You mean what I'm making for dinner, you're a horrible cook." I said pulling her from me. 

"Fine, but still what are you going to make?" I shrugged my shoulders and she grabbed me again pulling me from the couch. "Come on we're going food shopping!" She cheered and I groaned. 

"Can't you go without me, I'll cook it and you buy it." I whined as she locked the door still holding my wrist. 

"So you can sit around scrolling through your Tumblr, nope. You're going to be productive in the big city!" Where did she get all this energy from.....Starbucks. I knew I wasn't going to win and accepted my fate.


"How about pasta, everyone loves pasta." I rolled my eyes. 

"I told you Sushi, I feel like eating sushi," I said grabbing some rise from the shelf.

"But they might not like it." She whined out.

"That's why I'm also making stir fry it will be easy. Now go and get some other foods, we need to eat." I shooed her off getting out the list of things I needed. 

So I have Nori, Soy source, Rise vinegar and salmon. All I need now is avocado and chicken since Eden hates fish. Why does she have to be so picky? Going around the corner I found Ed picking out some fruit. I quickly grabbed the avocado and went over to her. 

"Being healthy for once I see." She gave me a glare grabbing the basket from me. 

"Just get the chicken while I find breakfast food." I stuck my tongue out and did what she said. We came back together and she paid because I didn't have my wallet on me. I was Dragged out of the house. 

"We better hurry It will take a while to make the food correct?" Ed questioned me as we were putting the food into the boot of the car.

"Yeah but they can watch me cook, it's not like I care." 

"That's not what I meant but whatever." I sighed shutting the boot and we drove back to our place. 


I had finished with the fish and carving out the avocado all I had to do was put them together while the stir fry was cooking alongside with rice in the rice cooker.

"Eden can you get the plates out from the box next to the door!" I yelled cutting the chicken pieces. That's when a knock on the door was heard. Ed scrambled out of her room to the door, wearing something nicer while I just changed my shirt to a stranger things hoodie.

 Ed scrambled out of her room to the door, wearing something nicer while I just changed my shirt to a stranger things hoodie

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