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"ice cream! Ice cream!" Both Phil and I cheered as we were driving about in the Philippines. You have no idea how many times Phil's made puns about being here but as of right now we're searching for an Ice cream place.

"Calm down, they're not going anywhere." Grinning when spotting one I wrapped an arm around Dan's upper arm.

"There it is, remove my graving cookies and cream!" Dan chuckled looking oddly at me. "Stop the car I need ice cream stat."

"I still can't believe I'm getting married in five weeks." Looking down from the mirror to Ed fiddling with her ring.

"It's cute you're still excited about that." Smiling she blushed making me giggle.

It was about eight in the morning here and 3 in the afternoon in London.

"And in only two weeks I get to see you again!" Nodding I finished buttoning up my shirt. "Hey what's that on your finger?" Looking at the screen confused Ed pointed towards my left hand. Glancing down I realized she noticed the ring. Dan walked into the hotel room still with bed hair. Noticing that Ed was on the screen Dan walked over.

"Hey, Ed long time no see." His left hand went to my shoulder making Ed gasp.

"Oh my God, those rings are you!!!!"

"NO!!!" It was my turn to freak, putting both hands to my face Dan just looked down at me grinning.

"Awww that's so cute, promise rings. I wish Drake did that for me." Dan was smiling down at me while I continued to blush making Ed even more excited over nothing.

"Well, I'll see you in a few weeks, Eden." Dan kissed me quickly before walking off to get changed.

"He's so in love with you." She smirked as I blushed more glancing over to him seeming not to be paying attention to the conversation. "And you seriously love him. You both need to get hitched."

"Wow calm down matchmaker, we still need to worry about your wedding before anything else." Sighing out she rolled her eyes at me.

"Ok ladies stop the cat fight, we're due for breakfast." Seeing the time it was almost nine and that's when my stomach grumbled. We said goodbye and I chucked on some skinny jeans, a cap and one of Dan's tour hoodies.

"It looks cute on you." Looking down to the baggy hoodie going past my hands even when rolling it up slightly I smiled as Dan moved me closer to him. Phil was waiting with some other crew members for us.

"Philly we've made it in time for pancake day." Phil's fist pumped the air obviously excited for the delicious pancakes that we're only available until 10 today.

"What one are you gonna get?" So meny to choose from at least 15 different types of pancakes. Why is this even a thing?

"Blueberry and white chocolate pancake," I mumbled still looking through for a fifth time to make sure that's what I wanted.

We all ordered and chat for the remaining 10 mintues before they started coming out.

"I heard some shouting from your room this morning, was there another spider in your room." A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.

"No Ed called again, shouting her lungs out like always. I'm surprised she hasn't lost her voice yet." Phil laughed and my gleemed over the fact I noticed my pancakes come over.

"We're going to get fat together," Phil shouted out making quite a few people turn to our table.

"Shut up." Dan whisper shouted making the waitress giggle to herself putting down both Phil and I's food.

"Well, he's not wrong." Mumbling this while coating the pancakes with maple syrup. "I'm gonna need food therapy after this." Taking a mouthful of food I noticed Dan's breakfast.

"Why no pancakes Howell?" Although my mouth was muffled he still understood.

"I'm not planning on gaining weight anytime soon." I scoffed taking another bite.

"Well, you're missing out." High fiving Phil in agreement we continued our delicious food in the Philippines.

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