||Movie night||

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The light sound of music playing mixed with balls of laughter echoed throughout the apartment as Dan and I were just finishing dinner.

"Dan you have mash potato on your nose." I laughed out clenching my stomach. He joined with me and flicked it off with his finger. He grabbed me in a hug and I cracked up laughing. "H-hey let me go." I playfully said wiggling around.

"No." He whined back laughing at me. I panted heavily as I started to calm down. Although Dan didn't let go I didn't mind the contact, even with my trust issues I felt safe with him. The music stopped for a moment and I looked up at Dan, for the second time today we just stood there looking at one another. Seeing every detail of each other's faces. His eyes glanced at my lips and we both leaned forward.

"Uhhh (Y/N)?" I turned from Dan in shock seeing drake right by the door with some keys in his hands. The two of us quickly went out of the hug and I blushed and smiled at my best friends boyfriend.

"Hey, Drake." I grinned going around the counter to meet him into a hug. "It's been ages, how were your exams?" We haven't seen Drake in two months because of the exams he had but now he's done and is coming to visit for the week.

"Great thanks but what I want to know is what happened over the last two months." He whispered to me and the end. I punched his shoulder glaring at him. "Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for, don't assume things." I threatened a glare at him, raising his hands I smiled turning back to Dan standing in the kitchen. "Dan this is Drake Eden's boyfriend, Drake this is Dan, my neighbour. Introductions done." I clapped my hands together then grabbed a plate. 

"Are you staying for dinner?" I put one of the plates down and went to get the next one.

"No, I was just helping with the cooking." Dan came from around the corner with the last plate. He glanced to his phone and let out a sigh, must be Phil wondering where he is. "Sorry I got to go, Phil's wondering where I am." I nailed it. Drake nodded his head still smirking at what he saw before. 

"Its fine I'll see you soon." I smiled standing next to him by the door and opened it. 

"Yeah sounds good." I watched as he went out of the apartment and I could see Ed come out of the elevator watching what happened. I often went over to Dan and Phil's place because they had more video games. Ed's eyes met mine and she sprinted down the hall to me. 

"What happened!" She yelled pushing back into the apartment.  She stopped though when seeing Drake and jumped onto him. "BABE!" She shouted and I groaned watching them in a spin hug while kissing. 

"Keep it PG guys." I frowned going over to the table. Ed smiled looking at the food for dinner.

"Yes, I love this!" She dove in and started eating. Her face glowed and she almost looking like she would cry.

"Calm your girlfriend down." I crossed my arms to Drake but he only laughed sitting next to her enjoying the food.


It was around 10 and I had just finished my shower. Ed the early bird she is normally going to bed about now, clicking onto Tumblr I flicked around for a while browsing through with almost no thoughts laughing to myself seeing memes that were sometimes so stupid. Hearing a thud outside of my room I rolled my eyes. Drake or ed must have tripped. They are the clumsiest people I know. Rolling my chair away from the computer I stood slightly opening my door to see what was happening. That's when a loud moan echoed throughout the apartment. I mentally screamed out. Great, they decided to do the dirty when I'm around! I'm not staying for this. Grabbing my keys, phone, laptop and hoodie I left my room followed by the apartment. Knocking on Dan and Phil's door I waited a few moments. I know they'll let me stay I've fallen asleep there before.

"Hey (y/N)." Dan stood in front of me looking slightly tried, I gave a small smile.

"Uhh, could I stay the night. Ed and Drake decided to the naughty with me around." I laughed a little hoping he would say yes. He blushed slightly and this made me do the same.

"Yeah sure of course." Moving to the side he let me in, I was about to go into the spider room but Dan stopped me. "Phil's filming something." Nodding my head Dan took me down the hall to one of the bedrooms. Seeing the darker shades of colour I guessed it was his room.

"We'll work out sleeping arrangements later after his video is done." I flipped to the bed.

"Sounds good, I'm just happy I know you guys, it would have been so awkward to stay there." I shivered at the thought. Recovering I opened my laptop making myself comfy on the bed. Dan stood still near the door looking awkward not knowing what to do. I patted the seat next to me shifting over a little. "Come, we shall watch the Avengers." I cheered in a deep voice at the end making him laugh. Dan sat right next to me and our shoulders touched. I placed the laptop in the middle of us starting the movie. A few minutes in I could feel him staring at me. Glancing at him Dan bit his lip looking as of to say something. This went on for a few more moments before he went back to the screen. This making my blush knowing I was looking at him for too long. Leaning against the bed head behind me with pillows to make it more comfortable I found myself having my head on his shoulder, Dan didn't seem to mind it got to the point where his hand was holding mine as we continued to watch the funny movie.

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