||The past||

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Ed and I were sitting at the dinner table eating dinner,  Beef and Broccoli stir-fry. neither of us was saying anything.  

"What's the update with your knight?" My eyes rolled as I picked at the food ignoring her question altogether. "Come on something must have happened when you went over to his place." 

"Nothing happened Ed, we talked like every other day. What did you think was going to happen?" She pushed out her chair standing from her seat. 

"I don't know something magical." Ed shook her hands in the air before going back into the kitchen. Letting out a long sigh I started cleaning up the table. "(Y/N), you need to see this!" Ed came running back into the room. 

"What happened now, did Drake send you a romantic text again?" Going right past her she grabbed my forearm. "What is it?" Her phone went into my face, almost knocking the plates in my hands. "Hate comments." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Loads of them, because of that video. It's going all over your social media." I shrugged going over to the sink. 

"Ed, does it look like I'm the type to freak out about something like this?" she bit her lip, I've been ignoring the constant buzzing of my phone since that video.

"Well not anymore." Ed murmured out for me to hear.

"I'm fine alright. Insults from strangers are different from my mother." Taking the plates to the sink I felt them for Ed to handle. "I'll be back, I'm going to a coffee run." She was absorbed into her phone so I went out without her response. Although I wasn't planning on going across the hall to Dan and Phil's apartment it was tempting since Ed will be breathing down my neck all night. Feeling the buzzing noise again I glanced down at my phone while going down the elevator. A text from Dan.

Hey, Eden told me that the hate comments were bad, turn all your notifications off and we can talk if you want.

Ed doesn't understand me sometimes.

I sat on the couch with Dan while waiting for Phil to finish making the hot chocolate.

"I told you I'm fine really." Grabbing a cushion that was beside me I held it into my chest. "I know Ed might have told you something different because of what happened a few years ago but.. " I was interrupted by Phil walking back into the room.

"Here." He kindly handed me the warm drink.

"What happened before?" The two were watching me as I took some of the drink.

"My mum, after the divorce she became angrier and verbally abusive towards me. My dad and older sister said I should go live with them but mum had no one else. So I stayed with her until she kicked me out telling me she didn't need me or anyone." I took another sip if the drink. "So now when people are saying stupid things online and saying horrible things I don't care." Looking up to meet their gaze they were both staring at me. I wasn't sure what they were thinking.

"Sorry about that we didn't know." I shook my head at Phil.

"No, it's Ed's fault for making a big deal out of this and my fault for making her worry." I let out a sigh and the two exchanged glances. "Ed went out to dinner with some work friends so I'll make dinner here... If that's alright with the two if you." I raised my hands realising what I said.

"No no it's fine, make with whatever we have. Though I dought it'll be spectacular." I need to do something to make this situation less awkward so I suppose cooking is the thing to do. Going into the kitchen. Quickly I looked in the fridge to see if they had any meat. Yes, Chicken. I can use this.  Grabbing out a few over herbs and random things I started making dinner.


"This is amazing (Y/N), how did you make this?!" Phil was eating away at the food I made for dinner. I laughed a little continuing to eat also.

"I cook never reveals their secrets." I murmured out into the cup I took a sip of water from.  the two laughed at my small joke and it went like this for the next 20 minutes. Dan decided to help me with the cleaning while Phil went to do a live stream. Although it was silent it was more or less pleasant.

"You said Eden went out to dinner with some work friends." I hummed in response while putting a late back into the cabinet. "Why didn't you tag along?" Turning to him my eyes rolled with a 'really face'.

"I'm a socially awkward spud that wanted to have a night in with another pair of socially awkward spuds." He laughed making me smile and giggle along. His laugh is so cute. "Besides I don't know any of the people she works with. It would be a horrible evening." I said while jumping onto the bench. Dan handed me a half cookie while he ate the other half. "Not enough for one each?"

"Phil ate the rest." Typical Phil, the two of us nibbled away with our legs dangling over the edge. Once finished I glanced up at Dan who was looking down at me.The air seemed to stiffen, it was quite dark in the room this only made our faces slightly glow. He moved closer to me and put his thump to my chin, it was an almost longing feeling as we both inched forward eyes at each other's lips. That moment changed everything, the moment we kissed. The moment we both wanted to happen for the past three months. My heart pounding like the beat of a drum hammering against my chest. We parted out of breath and in our mixed air, the two of us breathlessly laughed with our foreheads touching. The moment ended when my phone rang scaring me. 

"(Y/N) open the door I forgot my key!" I groaned jumping from the bench. 

"Yeah yeah shut up I'm coming." Bitting my inner cheek slowly looking at Dan. He was smirking slightly and went with me to the door. 

" See you tomorrow?" He said unsure not knowing if I regretted what happened only a moment ago.  A blush was on my face and I nodded quickly pecking his cheek.
"Night." I murmured out and I could see Dan blush as I opened and shut the door.

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