||The situation at hand||

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After 10 hours of listening to my sister scream and course at the top of her lungs, my eardrums were gone. This has happened a number of times before whenever I'd steal chocolate from her, don't steal Sam's chocolate I'm telling you now. Dan and I left the hospital after a few photos with the baby and a goodbye from the almost passed out mother and passed out father from shock.

"Are you gonna pass out when i go through labour?" I hummed softly in the car letting out a yawn. Dan chuckled but thought for a moment.

"I'll try keeping myself together but my spirit would have left my body." We both laughed watching as the sun started to rise.

"Dan, can we pull over? I wanna watch the sun." He did so and as quickly as possible. We both lent on the front of the car taking a few photos.

"This is probably the only time I'll ever see a sun rise." Giggling I lent my head on his shoulder taking in the beautiful view.

" Giggling I lent my head on his shoulder taking in the beautiful view

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"And I'm glad I get to share it with my fiancee." Blushing slightly we shared a passionate kiss until he took a sneaky photo of us kissing.

"Hey, don't take sneaky photos of me when we're sharing a moment." Dan laughed locking his phone to make sure I didn't delete the photo.

"I'm keeping that and framing it. It could be on our wedding invitations."

"That's both our collective decision I will not agree." Pointing a finger at him Dan grabbed my hand pulling me against him. Still frowning he smiled.

"God I love you." By this time the sky was already turning blue. We didn't spend much time actually looking at the sunrise.


The night we came back from the long trip dan and Phil both planned a live stream. Lying across the couch they were trying to work out why the live stream was so laggy. 

"You could use my internet?" I suggested and they both turned to me. 

"You're a saint." Phil reconnected to my internet instead. 

 "Why is your internet amazing and ours shit?" I shrugged rolling over to grab my phone from the coffee table. Soon they started discussing 2019 and what's gonna happen. "Should we tell them now?" Dan glanced over to me, assuming I was needed for this I slid off the couch over to the small shot of the camera. 

"Hi, I'll just sit in the middle here awkwardly." Squeezing just behind Dan and Phil I groaned moving a ball ball that I almost squished. "God, you should have cleaned before starting the live stream." Dan glared to Phil for a moment knowing it was his fault all the decorations were falling from the tree. 

"Everyone wants to know what's going on." Phil decided to change the subject, Dan glanced to me and I gave a nod.

"As I said before I will be updating more but it will go on hold because........" Phil did a drum roll making me roll my eyes. 

"(Y/N) and I are getting married!" Doing some jazz hands behind him along with Phil. Dan just laughed looking back to the chat. "I can't read the chat everyone's talking too fast."

"People want to see the ring." Holding up my hand I showed the engagement ring.

(Rose gold ring is the Engagement ring and the black ring is the wedding ring)

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(Rose gold ring is the Engagement ring and the black ring is the wedding ring)

"It's amazing, can't wait to see the wedding ring. Wait do I pick out your ring ? How does this work?" Flinging out my phone I went onto google. "I'm gonna google it right now." 

"The chat is still going crazy, jess what's to know how much the ring cost." Looking up to Dan from my screen he didn't look to me.

"We shouldn't go into detail about that, next question." Snorting I continued my research for some time. 


"That was an intense live stream." I breathed out falling onto Dan's bed still tired from the lack of sleep. Dan hummed behind me shuffling around in his room while I took off my socks sliding into the bed. "Dan, are you thinking too much again?" I said lifting my head from the bed slightly to see him changing into some PJ pants. 

"What are you planning on doing once Eden moves out with Drake?" I sighed looking up to the ceiling. 

"Haven't thought about it, I'm assuming you've been thinking about it." Dan came next to me lying down on the left side of the bed. 

"Come live here, we're getting married and we have a small room for you to work you basically live here already anyway." I nodded without hesitation giggling a little. 

"I never thought I'd be moving across the hall to my old place." Dan came closer towards me wrapping me into a warm hug. 

"Well, it will make moving easier." I smiled leaning into him enjoying the affection.

"You know I never would have thought in the one year I moved out from my mum's house all this could have happened." My head rested on Dan's chest listening intently to his heartbeat.

"Neither can I, but it's the best thing to ever happen to me." Smiling he lifted my chin up so we could share a loving kiss.

"Dan where did you put the chocolate?!" Phil started banging against the door making me roll over to it.

"Phil you ate all the chocolate we had." I laughed thinking for a second.

"I made some chocolate and put one in the fridge for you," I shouted back.

"Don't encourage him."

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