|| Mario Cart||

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"But (Y/N) you shouldn't be alone," Eden whined as I pushed her towards the door. 

"And you should stop acting like a mum. I can handle myself." I said handing her the keys to the car. "Now go to work." Eden started a new job at a nerd lab. She said they were experimenting with some new chemical for something or rather. It was such a long word it went straight through my head. "Now go do nerd things." She loves her work, even though Eden doesn't seem to be the type into lab work. 

"Don't forget to go outside." I rolled my eyes at her. 

"I need to work as well remember," I argued and she shut the door. I say I had work but I finished my web design the day after I got it and submitted it too. I chuckled to myself getting changed out of my P.Js 

It was only 10 in the morning, thinking for a moment I smiled knowing Starbucks was the way to go. After the past few days, I haven't seen either of our neighbours because of the moving in situation, I walked past there apartment going down towards Starbucks. Maybe I should call them asking if they want one?? I flicked to the text Eden sent me with Dan's number, she only gave me Dan's so I only had one option to choose from.  I walked across the road to Starbucks hearing the ring from the phone.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up." I tried not to laugh at how awkward he sounded and opened the door to the store.

"I'm just at Starbucks and wondered if you wanted anything?" He thought for a moment while I stood near the entrance waiting.

"Uh, I'll just have whatever you're having." He quickly said probably freaking out on what to ask for. I should know it happens all the time. Like when a teacher asks you a question in class.

"Ok, I'll bring it up soon." I sang into the phone hanging up. Ordering the same as I was last here the Caffe' Latte I waited around listing to my chemical romance, I made sure to bring my headphones. I was not going to listen to some annoying girls again. Thanking the lady that handed me the drinks I went back to the apartment. I knocked on the door and it opened straight away.

"I bring you Caffe' Latte " I smiled and giggled at his bed hair and quickly put on clothes. "Were you just asleep?" I questioned him and he scratched the back of his head.

"You got me. Your call woke me up." He laughed taking the drink from me letting me into the apartment. I took a sip of the drink watching as he reluctantly drank from his.

"Did you also just brush your teeth?" He stopped and nodded his head and I laughed more.

"You're such an idiot." I playfully said nudging his side. Dan soon laughed with me. His laugh is so hot. No stop it! I found myself in the living room and my eyes went to the games in the corner.

"Do you want to play something?" Dan asked me and I nodded still drinking my chocolate Starbucks. I picked Mario cart course it's fun with another player. As Dan was setting everything up I sat down.

"Where's Phil?" I said looking down at my phone.

"Oh, he went out for a few hours today to do some shopping. Work stuff." Dan didn't even stutter. Why isn't he telling me? Dan handed the controller over and I got ready to play. The tracks were set at random and first up was Daisey's garden.

"Is Eden at work?" Dan asked me just before the game started. I revved up my player waiting for the light to go green.

"Yep, she started today. She wanted me to go outside. But that exercise." Dan laughed but everything went quiet when the game started.
It was the last round, we'd been playing for two hours and it's a tie. He's good but I've played this game a thousand times. It was rainbow road my favourite course. I scrunched up my nose getting ready. Let's do this! Everything was going great, I was in first and Dan was behind me. My tongue was slightly stuck out and my eyes squinted a little from all the concentration.

"So cute." I heard a whisper beside me. A deep blush went across my face and in those seconds dan realized that I heard. "Oh shit, I said that out loud." I crossed the finish line and notice that Dan had fallen off the side because of the 'disaster' that had just occurred.

"Can I use the bathroom?" He nodded and I went out of the room. Because it's identical I went straight to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror a clear blush was still there. Did he really say that? I'm not cute, why would he say that? I threaded my hands through my hair and shook my head. He didn't mean to say anything. I sighed and walked back out without a sound. 

"What do you mean you fucked up?" I heard Phil's voice, he must be back from doing shopping. 

"I opened my mouth that's what!" Dan nearly shouted out. 

"Be quite shes only in the other room Dan." Phil seemed to calm down Dan slightly. "What did you say that's so bad?" I went closer to the room to make sure I heard what he had to say. 

"Only that I thought she was cute when she was playing the video game." He seemed so frustrated with himself. 

" So you finally admit you think she's cute?" 

"It just sorta slipped out..... but yes, now get off my case you've been nagging me an entire week." My eyes went wide. He does think I'm cute... My face was beet red, I quickly shut the door to make it look like I just left the bathroom. "Phil shut up," Dan whispered out. The two into view, waving at Phil who I 'didn't know' was here. 

"What were you two talking about, I could hear some shouting," I said picking up my phone that was on the floor. 

"N-noting!" Dan coughed out, "It was nothing." Phil smirked standing up and walked out of the room. My phone went off. I knew this ringtone History maker from Yuri on ice. I hummed to the tone for the few seconds before I picked it up. 

'(Y/N)!'   She yelled on the other end of the phone. 

"Fuck... You're loud." I groaned out from her basically screaming into my ear.

"Did you actually go outside? Where are you?" I laughed out and she's probably just confused. 

"No, I'm with Dan wait what time is it?" Checking my watch it was almost time to start making dinner. "Shit I'm sorry, I'll be back to make dinner." I hung up before she could protest, Dan was staring at me in awe, clicking my finger in front of him Dan jumped up from the couch. "I'm gonna head home to make dinner, Eden has separation issues." I sarcastically said rolling my eyes.

"Uh yeah, it was fun hanging out with you." Dan smiled and I nodded smiling at him. The only thing on my mind was 'he thinks I'm cute!'

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