Lamby and Worthy on a mission

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When Lamby and Worthy go on missions together, nothing ever went well. The two would bicker and argue over things. 
"Just trust Briggan for once, Devin!" Conor snapped.
Devin had taken his mask off "I am not trusting the animal of the boy who loves dumping water on me!" he counter.
"You don't bathe!"
"Yes I do!"
"No you don't! The way you bathe is how cat's bathe! Just because you and the other red cloaks are turning into animals doesn't mean you have to act like one!"
"When did you last wash that sheep skin coat you always wear?"
Conor went to counter against the fact but stopped. Briggan's ears had perked up.
Devin frowned "So you aren't go-"
Conor placed his hand over Devin's mouth "Shut up! Briggan heard something," he whispered.
A scratchy surface moved across Conor's hand and the blond pulled his hand away. Worthy stuck out his tongue which was very much like a cat's tongue. Devin placed his mask back on afterwards.
The wolf started running and Conor grabbed at Worthy's wrist. The two boys followed after the former great beast. 
Briggan stopped when they got to a camp. Conor was glad for his mask being on because Meilin, Abeke, Rollan were ready to attack. Worthy held his hands up "Woah! Put your weapons down," he said. 
Briggan pressed up to Conor's legs. Abeke kept am arrow on her bow "How do you have Briggan?" she asked.
Conor didn't say anything. His voice had gotten trapped in his throat. Worthy took over "He came with us," he replied.
The three lowered their weapons. Rollan shook his head "What about Conor? What would make him agree to do that? Its pretty rough sending your spirit animal on a long distance trip without being there," he countered.
"How do you know Conor is still alive?"
The clearing went silent. Lamby had said that as a good enough distraction.
Abeke dropped her bow "What do you mean?" she asked.
The sheep red cloak rubbed at Briggan's ears "Well I mean how do you know your friend Conor is still alive? All that you know is Briggan is traveling with us, Conor could be at the base or our camp," he explained.
Abeke let out an uneasy breath "Do you know where he is?" she asked.
Lamby shrugged "At a red cloak base possibly doing something," he replied.

Worthy and Lamby walked ahead of the group. Conor softly scratched at his arm. He wanted to take off his under coat it was starting to get itchy. Worthy smaclsd at Conor's hand "Stop that, they'll see that wool isn't attached and you'll get found out," he whispered.
Conor dropped his hands to his sides, grabbing his cloak to distract his hands. The itch was starting to burning more the longer he didn't scratch. 
Rollan strode up to them "So what's with the animal masks?" he asked.
Conor sighed "Former spirit animals," he replied with a smooth ease. Thank the fallen he had a distraction.
Rollan looked at them "Okay, so what's with the animal traits?" he inquired.
Worthy ran his hands over his cloak "What's that supposed to mean?" he countered.
The amayan boy smirked "Sheep boy has wool and lamb ears, you have a tail," he replied.
Worthy gripped his cloak "I do not!" he complained.
Lamby laughed "Oh yes you do, you should see how fluffy it gets when he finds out its a bath day," he confessed.
Worthy pushed at Lamby "that's private information for red cloaks only."
"Oh so does that mean how you spend your entire day off by sleeping also private red cloak information?" 
"What about you and King doing check ups on the base? How many times have I caught you two kissing?"
Conor stopped and glared "Worthy Elda you shut your mouth!" he snapped.
Worthy placed a hand to his chest in shock "Do not talk about Elda!" he countered.
"Why? Are you a scaredy cat?"
"Elda was a good spirit animal when she was with me!"
"You forced her to be a spirit animal! I was there when you didn't summon one!"
"Oh but somehow a poor shepherd's son just- ARGH!" Worthy cut himself off before saying anything about Lamby's true identity.
Lamby took a a deep breath and started walking again "Lets go, after we reach town we'll leave you three there," he said.
The trio followed behind them with soft whispers to each other about it. Conor felt embressed about fighting in front of his former teammates. He really wanted to cuddle against Briggan and act like he didn't exist. What made him more embressed was Devin bringing up the secret kisses, it wasn't his fault King liked stealing them. 
Conor slowed to stand next to Worthy "I'm sorry about bringing up Elda," he said.
Worthy kept walking "What was that?" he asked.
Conor felt the itch on his arm from the sleeve shifting when he gave Worthy a push "I am sorry about telling them that you have a tail," he added.
The back of Worthy's cape flickered for a moment. Worthy didn't say anything for a short while "Sorry about almost telling them," the cat replied.
The two walked in silence as the group finally reached town. Briggan went back to standing by Conor as the two said their goodbyes.
Conor pulled Abeke aside. The Niloan girl looked at his mask "Can you tell me something," she said.
The sheep shrugged "No promises," he replied.
Abeke looked at Briggan then back at the red cloak "Why did you run away?"
Conor's throat constricted tightly "What do you mean?"
"The day at the Evertree, when everything went back to normal you and Shane had both ran away. Why?"
"A king isn't a king without his queen or my case, his king."
Abeke hugged Conor "Keep him safe, Shane can do stupid things sometimes," she said.
Conor smiled when they parted "Like cause a war and turn himself into a half animal?" he joked.
She snorted "Something like that," Abeke replied.

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