Werewolf AU Wip

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Shane, Abeke, Rollan, and Meilin stated at the home. They had gotten directions from the nearby village that a blond teen lived at the top of the hill. Turns out, it was true. The house was empty and seemed sturdy. Rollan pushed open the door. Shane sucked in a hiss "We really sh-"
Rollan waved a dismissive hand "Calm down King croc, we're just going to peek around inside," he replied.
Meilin looked at Shane "He used to be a thief, so breaking into places isn't new to him," she reassured. The group went inside.

Shane felt tense. His stomach kept twisting and untwisting then twisted into a new knot. Something seemed wrong, his crocodile senses screamed that something was wrong. A door opened. Someone else was in the house, Shane shoved Abeke in a closet "Hide!" he whispered to Rollan and Meilin then pulled the door shut.
The niloan woman was not happy "Why d-" Shane hissed to silencing her. He perked his ears.
Thump... Thump... Thump... Creak... Thump...
The person stopped right in the bed room, just infornt of the closet they were in. Shane held the doorknob as tight as he could. It slowly started to turn in his hand and tugged back to open. It refused to budge. Another pull, harder this time, still no give. A sharp jerk yet still no give "Jammed again," a low voice growled. The footsteps indicated the person left, probably to get something to get the door open.
Shane forced the door open and got out, Rollan was coming out from under the bed and Meilin was helping him out "We need to leave," Abeke said when she got out after Shane. The door clicked open and a blond haired guy walked in.
His amber eyes had gone wide seeing the four "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?" he yelled/asked. The person had a shepherd's crook and held it in his hands, from his expression he looked like he was planning to break in some heads.
Shane slowly stepped back "We're looking for a friend, that's all," he replied.
The home owner took a deep breath in, he looked the four then sighed "What makes you think they'd be in my house?" the stranger asked.
Shane tried to think of a response, Abeke took up for him "We had asked if he had passed through town and the people told us that someone similar to him lived here," she explained.
The stranger placed his crook down "You know, when you tell people that you want to live a simple life, you expect them to leave you alone," he said. He waved the heroes to his kitchen "Sit, since I have guests, you should treat you as such," he said. Shane sat across from Meilin, Rollan sat next to her, and Abeke sat next to Shane. The man placed a pot of water on his stove and looked at the four "So why did you think your friend lived near here or passed through?" he asked.
Shane fiddled with a thread, Rollan filled in the quietness "We had heard that a grey wolf and a person lived near here," he said.
The stranger sat down at one side of the circular table "You obviously got that rumor wrong," he said.
Rollan raised a questionable eyebrow "Coming from someone who nearly killed us, how may that be?" he asked. Shane glanced at the stranger, the man looked a lot around the three fallen heroes, maybe seventeen with a slight pencil line of golden stubble at his chin and soft amber eyes that gave a hint of familiarity. Shane dropped his eyes to the guy's lips, those looked soft and kissable maybe if they didn't find Conor then he could.... Shane snapped himself out of his haze. 'Stop that. He's just one guy. Conor is irreplaceable.' he thought.
Shane looked up and realized that those eyes had turned on him. The guy looked at Shane "Hey mister scales, what's your name?" he asked. Shane swallowed his emberessment "I'm King, leader of the red cloaks," he said. It was a normal response that Shane was use to telling to people when he loaded up a response.
Goldie smiled "Well King, I'm Shawn," he replied.
Shane crossed his legs under the table. Shawn- Shane refused to call him that- Goldie contuined talking to the others. Shane recalled something "So rumor has it that a large wolf has been seen in these woods," the red king said.
Goldie looked at Shane "As most would say, rumors are simply that: rumors," he said.

The four had stayed and spent the night with their host. Goldie looked at Shane as he changed "King, I'm curious, what's with alligator tattoo?" he asked.
Shane pressed his night shirt onto him "He's a crocodile and my spirit animal, I lost him in battle," he half lied. Shane had lost Grahv but the crocodile had just one day stopped coming out of dormant state and scales showed up.
Goldie nodded "I know how that feels, having a tattoo that is a reminder of someone that was once close to you," he said. Shane looked at the stranger, a sadden longing in his eyes.

Shane couldn't sleep. Something was wrong. His mask laid on the floor next to him. He left it but grabbed his cloak and moved towards the wicked sense. A groan came from Goldie's room. Shane nudged the door open. It was dark but he could see slightly better. Goldie was rolling over from side to side. Shane remained quiet and pushed the door open. He moved across the floor with silent ease and leaned over Goldie. The young man's eyes slid open, they were stunning blue "Shane?" Goldie whispered.
Shane smiled softly "You should go back to sleep."
"Is this a dream?"
"It is."
"Don't leave me alone."
Shane brushed away Goldie's bangs from his face "I'll still be here when you wake up," he reassured.
Goldie's eyes slid shut and he was asleep again.
When Shane pulled the door back to how it was and made his way back did he see the other. Meilin, Rollan, and Abeke were awake. They looked like they had been discussing and finally came to a conclusion about something. Shane felt like that something had to do with him. Rollan looked to Meilin. The Zhong girl sighed "Shane, we want to know about why you came on this mission with us," she said.
Shane was glad they didn't have the enhanced senses of an animal like he, or any red cloak, did "I have my reasons and you three have yours," he replied.
Abeke was messing with her blanket "We know that-"
"Shane, King, whatever you go by now. We know you came here because you're gay for Conor," Rollan interrupted.
Meilin hit Rollan's arm "You didn't need to put it that bluntly," she muttered.
Shane's blushed turned even worse "What- No- I'm not!" he whispered with a hiss.
Rollan rubbed his arm "Ouch! Its not like you never noticed it! He use to make this lovey face everytime Conor was around."
"I did not make a lovey face!"
"Yes you did!"
"I did NOT IF YOU BRING THIS UP AGAIN I WILL PERSONALLY HANG YOU FROM A TREE!" Shane yelled. His hands clapped over his mouth when a door slammed open.
Goldie had came into the room with his hair ruffled up and a unpleasant look on his face "Why are you yelling? Do you not know how late it is?" he growled.
Shane, Meilin, Abeke, and Rollan were all quiet in response. His eyes were wrong, they were dark blue but his eyes were amber this morning. Goldie took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, then exhaled. When he opened them again his eyes were amber once more "Sorry, just don't yell so loud again. If you want to fight, take it outside," he said.
Goldie went back to his room without another word. Shane fought himself to reveal something to his companions.

Shane stood outside watching as Goldie herded his sheep out of the small shack-like barn. One sheep kept stumbling around and Goldie softly tapped it towards the herd "C'mon Avnet, flock is over here," he reassured. The sheep ambled towards the flock, joining in chewing on grass. Goldie smiled to Shane "Ever thought of sheep herding?"
Shane looked at Goldie "I never liked sheep much, the wool gets stuck between my teeth," he replied.
Goldie laughed, low rumble that seized Shane's heart. This man would be the death of him.

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