Envy makes us strangers to our bodies

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Shane was never though of Conor as the guy who got jealous. He was small, cute, and spoke to softly to be the guy who got jealous.
Shane assumed Conor was jealous everytime the euran saw him and Abeke talking. Conor went red and frowned angrily before leaving the area quickly. He always ignored them whenever the duo talked. Shane had thought Conor liked Abeke. The king needed to tell the shepherd that that he wasn't into girls like most boys were.
Shane found Conor alone in the greenhaven training hall. He was hugging his wolf and faintly, oh so very faintly, Shane could hear it. The soft little sobs that were being muffled by the dark Grey fur. The redcloak stepped closer "Conor?" he asked in a soft voice.
Conor's head snapped up and looked back. His eyes were bloodshot with glistening tear tracks on his cheeks. The blond looked away, wiping his arm across his face "H-hi King, didn't expect you to be in here," he said.
Shane crouched down to Conor, barely glancing over the wet spots on Briggan's fur. Shane looked at the other "Call me Shane, not like the nickname does much if you know who I am," he said.
Conor laughed weakly at the comment "Yeah, sorry I got used to doing it for most redcloak."
"Its fine, why are you in here crying?"
Conor didn't respond, just threaded his fingers into Briggan's fur. His cobalt eyes glistered with a slight film of water. Shane nudged Conor's foot "Are you jealous because about me and Abeke?"
The euran flushed red "No- I'm not- why would-" he stuttered over his words as he looked at Shane.
The steriolan laughed short and brief at Conor "Its fine, I always knew you had a crush her and I came to-"
"I have a crush on you!"
Shane blinked. He couldn't have heard that right. There was no way he could have heard that right. Conor looked even more flushed "I've had a crush on you since the battle for the granite ram," he said.
Shane looked away from Conor. He wished he had his mask because he didn't want Conor see how red his face was getting "Oh I tHoUgHt YoU hAd A cRuSh On AbEkE!" his voice had squeaky tone to it. Sometimes he forgot that after all of what happened, he was still a 15 year old that got flustered at Crushes.
Conor laughed "I thought so too but everytime it was you around some girl, any girl! I got... Envious and then I realized I had a crush on you," he replied.
Shane slightly looked at Conor, the blond euran looked sad "Never took you for the envious type," he said.
Conor glanced at him "I guess you changed me to be an envious boy."
Neither said another word just held each others hand and smiled softly. Shane could enjoy Conor being jealous if Conor loved him.

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