A King's Folly 3

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Shane was in shock at seeing the outfit Conor wore. It was a velvety green suit that hugged his very soft figure. The suit did very naughty things to Shane's mind. He wanted to watch the little silver buttons pop off, he wanted to hear Conor beg about it being too tight, he wanted so many things to be done with that damned suit. Shane struggled to keep himself together. Conor blushed as he stared anywhere but at Shane. Blessed be the Great Beasts, he loved it.
He smiled "Are you ready for the tour of your new home?" he asked, knowing Conor couldn't say no but it felt nice to ask.
Conor nodded "Yes Master Shane," he replied.
Shane chuckled at the title "You may call me Shane," he said.
The euran nodded "Yes M- Shane." it sounded bitter. Disgusted. Shane felt a his smile drop a bit. He begun walking to start the tour.

Shane led Conor to the kitchen first "This is the kitchen, I'm sure you'll be visiting here a lot from what Devin told me," he explained. Conor seemed to stiffen at the comment. Shane should have worded that better "He said back before the war you liked hiding in the kitchen," he added.
They moved on to another room. Shane didn't open the door "This is my study, if you need to ask me anything then meet me here," he said. Conor simply nodded.
Shane opened the door to the gym "If I'm not in my study then I'm probably here, don't ask."

They finished the tour at Conor's room. Shane smiled at Conor "And this is your room, our tour ends here," he said.
Conor nodded "Um... What am I supposed to do?" he asked.
Shane didn't really notice what he was doing until after he did it. He booped Conor's nose "You'll find out later tonight," he said. Shane left before Conor pointed out what happened.

Shane fumbled with the tray. It was past dinner and he was carrying a tray of rolls. Hopefully last week's mistake didn't repeat itself.
He stopped by Conor's door and knocked softly.
The slightly shorter blond opened the door "Yes?" he asked.
Shane smiled as he held up the tray "Its time for your job," he said.
Conor looked at the tray with scepticism and confusion "Dinner has already passed," he said.
Shane shook his head "I have my reasons," he replied.
Conor opened the door and moved away to allow Shane inside. The room was bare of most things, just a small framed painting sat on the vanity dresser and the bed sheet was slightly ruffled on the edge. They sat on the bed. Conor looked at the five little rolls "I know I'm asking too many questions but um what is my job exactly?" he asked.
Shane smile softly. He fought the urge to say 'Your job is to help me play out my fantasies.' instead he said "Sometimes I bake and I really want you to help me try out some of the food."
Conor blinked "Oh."
Shane knew Conor was going to react like this. A king who baked? It was peculiar but it was a lie, he had a private chef make these. Shane picked up one "So anyway try one," he said holding it out.
Conor looked at the roll then at Shane. Something was seriously wrong here. He took the roll from Shane and bit into it. It tasted surprisingly delicious.
Shane smiled as Conor took another bite "Maybe you should slow down they-" Conor hiccupped. Shane laughed as the euran went into a flurry of hiccups.
Conor covered his mouth as he placed the roll down "What- What are these?" he asked.
Shane smiled "They're bubble rolls, they have bubble leaf powder in them which if you eat too much they give you the hiccups," he replied.
Conor flushed red "Well thank you for giving me a warning," he said.
Shane shrugged as he picked up a roll "Its for a game, One roll has very little and one has too much. Whoever gets the too much roll loses," he countered and took a bite into his own. Oh no.
Shane covered his mouth. Conor looked at him curiously. The king loudly hiccupped. Conor smiled smugly "Guess you got the bad roll," he teased. They laughed and finished off their rolls.

Shane groaned at the flurry of bubbles in his stomach the next morning. Why did he pick BUBBLE ROLLS? His stomach protested violently to the food. He knew what it did. Somebody please kill him. A knock came to his door "My King? Breakfast is about to be served!" a voice called from the door.
He groaned loudly and angrily as a response.
"I'll have a cup of tea ready soon."
Shane huddled under his blanket and pulled it around him tightly. He wanted to die.

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