Breaking, Unbreakable/Shaking, Unshakeable

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Unbreakable. Totems were unbreakable. Stone knew this. No human had ever gotten away with killing a totem before.

Yet this boy, this monstrosity wasn't of Asder. He had fair skin and blond hair. He smiled at Stone as the totem wheezed a breath "I curse you... With knowledge..." He hissed.

The boy wore a crooked crown as he smiled gleefully "That's just fine with me!" He said. Stone felt the searing pain then death.


The boy was named Felinador and he was a king. He wad cursed. Curses should be breakable but after nearly two hundred years he knew something important. Curses by great beasts who had magic were unbreakable. The four he killed had each given him a curse.

The black bear gave him the curse of regret, the fox gave him the curse of youth, the crane gave him the curse of eternity, and the gecko gave him the curse of knowing. These all had seemed useless until after the last one died. It felt like something had ripped him open. All of his emotions had finally set free.

Now he was 213 years old and looked exactly the same two hundred years ago. It was not fun when you looked like a child and had no magic. Granted he did enjoy spending time wandering the land of Asder and watching it grow and prosper. It made him wonder what Erdas looked like now. What had happened to Steriol when he left and set a fake in his place as he went to discover the forgotten land.

He had become a legend now to Asder. He was the boy from the parallel. People came from far and wide to learn about the parallel from him and the boy king had grown bored of it. Felinador had taken up exploring the land yet that reminded him of his immortality. So Felindor had gone to the mountains of Usatarila and set up a home in the cave of the tallest moutian. He enjoyed his tall carvenous home. He was immortal but still breakable and up here where nobody could reach him, Felinador was untouchable to his own fear.

Or so he had hoped.


A pair had came to his home one day. A man and a woman dressed in flowing cloaks. Felinador knew that they were masters but what had brought them all the way up here?

The man wore a pink cloak of Air and the woman wore a dirty white cloak of shadow. They stared at him in confusion. The man cleared his throat "Do you know where we may find the mam from the parallel?" He asked.

Felinador nodded "You're speaking to him," he replied.

Both masters looked at each other then at Felinador "You're the man? But you're just a child," the earth woman said.

The young former king shrugged "I've been cursed for nearly 200 years, many People say that," he countered.

The two masters entered as he stepped aside. The air was thin out there but he had a little help from an air user to make his home safe to enter.

The masters sat on the couch as Felinador got refreshments "So what brings you here?" He asked.

The woman took a deep breath "We captured two people from the parallel, one claims that something was calling them to Asder, we believe that whatever is bringing people from the parallel has a connection to why the four totems were summoned five years ago," she explained.

The old boy started coughing "Totems summoned?" He asked. Felinador had not been keeping in touch with Asder ever since he had gone hermit.

The air master nodded "Yes, the four totems that died were summoned as familiars five years ago," he repeated.

Felinador stared at them with horror "No! Get out of my house now! I never want to see those wretched beasts ever again!" He snapped.

The masters became spooked. In an instant they vanished in a cloud of shadow and air. Felinador popped down and crossed his arms. Anger that they would were come into his home and speak of those beasts. Animals with intelligence were nothing but trouble for him anyway.

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