A Series Of Summoning

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The four fallen: Wild born/Summoning scenes


It was peaceful at first. The soft soothing reassurance of how the other place felt. No worries or troubles, no dangers. Sometimes the soothing would retreat from me. It was always the calling that tried to awaken me. The calling was persistent, it came and gone through many of years but I ignored it. I couldn't ignore the calling forever but none of the callings felt right.

However when this calling arrived, it was different. The urge to awaken was stronger, more powerful, this was my calling. The calling pulled me free of my slumber. The chains of sleep and tiredness broke away as I padded towards a bright light. The world was calling me, urging me towards it. As I approached the ever growing blaze where the call grew stronger three presences drew nearer. I wasn't the only one who was answering the call. My friends were being roused from their endless slumber, I will meet them again. Again as something new, reborn to serve Erdas once more.

The person who called me looked fragile. His blond hair fell before his green eyes. I could smell his confusion among other scents. Fear, panic, confusion, awe. Other scents drew from the people around us, yet none interested me more than my summoner. This dainty human pup. His skin was pale, he was scrawny compared to everyone. 

I approached him with ease, soon his fear and confusion changed to curiosity and friendly. As I sat before him, his small bony hand reached out and softly petted my head. I could have snapped at him, prove to this thin pale pup that I was not something to treat like a tamed animal; yet I held myself back. This was the person who's call beckoned me from my slumber and returned me to the world of Erdas. I was once a great powerful force that could control this world better than any of these humans ever could. This boy's will and calling was powerful enough to rouse me from my slumber thus he has the markings of a powerful force that would change Erdas from this day forth. Yet I was not the only one who had been roused. This boy along with three others had called me and my friends forth. Erdas was going to be rocked to her very core from such a thing like this.


In my dreams, I prowled my once great Savannah. It was long before the war, back when it was just peaceful.

As I roamed, the sun begun to beat. This wasn't the first but when the this sun had begun to beat I heard the calling. Words from long forgotten time, calling me forth. It was the voice of a nation that called. I knew that deep within myself this peaceful Savannah would not last forever. Someday I would need to leave, to move on, to be reborn.

I began climbing up a tree, the tallest tree in my Savannah. This tree had branches that had lived on the earth for so long its branches have possibly touched the sun by now.

As I climbed, the journey went on forever like I would never reach the sky, never to answer the call. I thought I was alone on my impossible climb but as I went on, three other presences drew nearer. The first presence I felt was farther ahead, the second was nearby as if next to me, the third followed behind as if it was trying to answers its call but couldn't go fast enough.

My caller was a dark skinned girl. I knew that from how she looked, this girl was stronger than she looked. She was not prey like these other people, no she is a predator just like me. I walked up to her with ease. The rain that came forth did not detour her gaze or scent from me, this predator knew that she had done something different. Maybe she knew that she wasn't the only predator anymore. Everyone around was looking at us as if we were two leopards in a meerkat tunnel. My predator girl knew what she had done but couldn't understand. She had done something that others could never do. That is, except the other three who called my friends. Erdas was seeking her saviors once more.


The land in which I slumbered was beyond imagine. Many would describe it as living in a dream. I could agree with it but my slumber I knew life would not last forever. My existence was no longer mine, I had no body or mind where I slept. This dream were I lived simply provided the idea of which I knew nothing more than sleep and peace.

Thus the Humming began. The feeling was best described as a humming, it rested in my chest but buzzed in my mind. None of the humming could rouse me from my land of nothing. There was nothing that could give me an existence. Why seek forth the darkness which blurred my mind. 

Yet one humming pulled my feathers. This humming was stronger, stronger than any other hum that rattle me into a body and a mind. This was my humming, the call of a soul so strong and powerful I had a presence in a world of nothingness. 

I stretched out my wings and begun my flight as my existence was pieced together. Bit by bit I regained who I was once. As I become whole again, three other presences hummed around me. I was not alone in my world of nothingness.

The person whom hummed forth was a boy of tan skin and dark brown hair. He was also covered in dirt and grime. Yet he wasn't the only one inside the cell. Others were around staring at me in awe and amazement. Yet my attention was on the hummer. Much for a pathetic boy like him, he hummed so loud he brought me back. His hum rebirthed me into a much smaller form of my greater being. His hum brought me back to my home of Erdas.


I lived in peace for many years. Yes, I joined the war but it was to protect my kind and my homeland. 

When I passed into slumber it was far more peaceful than I had ever known. The yawning expense as my dreams stretched for an millennium.

As the yawn grew forth, soft whispers called to me. Each whisper tingled at my mind but I did not go. These whispers were not the things that called to me. Some were violent while others were not right. The whispers came and gone as the yawning went on.

One whisper came but it wasn't a whisper. No, this was a shout. A shout that was so powerful, it dragged me from the yawn. I followed the echoing of the shout, it wasn't a command as others would've received. The shout was a cry for help, I was going to help the caller.

As I tried to go faster, presences stretched forth far ahead of me. I knew these presences, my friends were going to who called them.

When I came forth a young girl looked at me. In her face said happiness but her eyes read confusion and disappointment. This was the one who called for help. Yet she was not alone in the call. People were growing fearful and scared, Erdas was calling for help. My friends and I were back, we had answered its call.

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