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Sonder. Jesper always thought that was an odd word. He knew everybody had seen the world differently. Of course he did, he lived as a mind all his life. Today was The Day Of Totems, his chance to discover his familiar.

Most Asderians summoned Familiars. After taking the sap, their magical core would release a small amount of core and it would shape itself into an animal of a certain magic type and power. A familiar represented their summoner. An Owl could be ice or mind or light or shadow, a wolf of water or ice or earth or nature, a bird could be light or shadow or nature or earth or mind. Animals could be anything but it was common to get an animal of your truest magical core. Mostly that meant the magic you were born and raised into. For Jesper, that was Mind Magic.

Jesper was jolted from his thought seeing the crowd of people approach. As a mind he knew a lot about Asder, Fariac was his home and he had a slight distaste for Earths users as did most minds but this was... This was amazing.

The nomads were infamous amongst the minds. They always traveled in large groups, almost the size of small villages, yet they were impossible to locate. No mind knew a lot about the nomads culture of society. The nomads that had arrived well there was so many and so different in every way. So were dark skinned while others were light; there was tall ones, and medium ones, and short ones; children, adults, teens, and elders were chatting and moving as if they had all the time of Asder on their side.

A boy stood out from the rest. Something about him was similar to a person he had seen before. This boy had dark brown skin, deep set brown eyes, and something about how he walked was off as if he was trying to hide something. Yet out of all of this, one thing about this boy had gotten Jesper's attention. He looked like a god among men. Noe he wasn't exactly rippling with muscle but he looked amazing. Bi, tri, quads, all the muscle that somebody had was well toned on him.

The nomads finally stopped and fell silent as the boy took the empty place beside Jesper. The boy had long curly hair that graced over his shoulders and tucked around his ears. He smiled "Nervous?" He asked.

Jesper snorted, best to find the stirrings of emotions for an earth "No, are you?" He countered.

The earth smiled a little softer "Definitely."

Sonder. The realization that everyone is living their own vivid life.

Jesper had always hated that word. He knew people had their own version of life. No two people lived the exact life in Asder. Yet at this exact moment, Jesper understood the word's meaning. Truly and wholly understood.

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