The Baker And The King 2

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Benji hated grand parties. It reminded them so much of the life they no longer had and the life they were trying to forget. Another problem about parties was they required people to stand a lot, something Benji definitely could not handle in their current state. A little lie that Tos did not need to know about. Something Benji had been keeping a secret about these past three months.

They were pregnant. This one wasn't Tos' child. Not like sweet Aten and Ani who were Tos' kids from when they were a War Lord. No, this child was someone's one night stand. An accident, a mistake, a blemish. Something Benji couldn't bring themself to dispose of no matter how much they convinced themself to do it.

Benji was six months along now. The little one was causing a storm tonight. Not that they were surprised, this one had a time schedule in which Benji had to follow or they would cause a fit. A fit in which Benji had to bear through. Most of the time it was okay but not tonight at a party with the King of Eura who- as much as Benji denied it- they were still pinning after.

Benji tried to keep calm from another kick in the ribs "Please, please stop for once," they whispered. Another kick was the response. Simply meaning No.

Benji sighed and tried ignoring it. Speaking to a few of the guests, discussing about the food or the party or whatever this euran lord was talking about. A figure appeared. Dressed in a dark blue suit with a sterling silver crown sitting amongst blond curls -Benji knew it was dyed- King Tos strode towards them. In their simple button up shirt and loose skirt Benji felt ridiculous. Tos smiled "Bea, it's good to see you," he greeted.

Benji was rubbing a small part of their sleeve between their fingers "Hello my king," they replied. Their cheeks felt unbearably hot.

Tos laughed a little "You can call me Tos, Bea," he said as if it was to reassure them.

Benji flinched at a particularly rough kick "Um Tos, do you know somewhere private I can go?" They asked. Tos nodded as he took their hand. Their arms prickled with goose bumps, Tos was just leading them to a room not holding their hand like they did before the conquest days came.


Tos opened the door to a bedroom "Are you okay?" He asked.

Benji nodded "Yeah, I just need a little time away from so many people," they reassured.

Tos looked away unsure about something "I'll be outside," he said. When Benji smiled as if nothing was wrong, Tos smiled back and walked away. The door shutting behind him. Benji let out an over exaggerated sigh, sitting on the bed. The baby chose this sas the perfect moment to kick up a storm.

Benji huffed "Okay, we need to talk. Just let me get through this party and I'll go home then we'll sleep, in the morning we'll have a nice breakfast with Aten and Ani. How's that sound?" they asked. There was no kick, which Benji took as a yes.

There was a knock and Tos came in. No crown, no fancy blue suit, just plain old Tos.

Tos, who looked embarrassed and a little angry "So when were you going to bring up the kid?" He asked.

Benji glared "Why were you listening in?" They countered.

Tos let out a brief laugh "Cause I'm walking back from my room, two doors down by the way, and all I hear is you talking to yourself. I'm not stupid Benji," he countered.

Benji barked a dry laugh "Yet here you want me back how can I trust you if you're listening in on me? I'm allowed to have secrets Tos," they snapped.

Tos had blotted red cheeks "Well how can I try to get you back whem your hiding the fact your having somebody else's kid? I bet Aten and Ani aren't even mine but some quickie during your war path!" He said.

Benji stiffened "They are yours just like the other one was before I miscarried! The only reason I have this one was because I was drunk and lonely!" They shouted. Tears blurried their vision, it was possibly the first time Benji had even brought up the accident since it happened. Benji tried wiping the tears away before Tos noticed them but it was Tos. Sweet Tos who noticed anything.

The king stepped closer "Talk to me Benji," he said.

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