Super Powered: Part 1

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Conor had a superpower, a dangerous superpower. He could steal other people's powers. There was a problem with that kind of power. Ables, people that had superpowers, could die from the sudden lost of powers. It was like cutting off all the oxygen to a fire, instantaneous. The chances of dying was low as most people fainted whenever Conor took powers. He worked slowly, taking very little energy and since he did this while they were using their powers it helped him take them faster.

Conor worked for a group known as The Greencloaks. They worked to help Ables train in their powers but also to keep Averages, normal people without powers, safe from dangerous Ables. He worked under the persona of an Able boy that ran errands using his Super Speed. The Greencloaks had accidentally registered Conor when he was using his speed power to get to the bus stop before the bus left. They didn't know he had another persona. Briggan.

Briggan was a vigilante that didn't side with The Greencloaks and wasn't in the registry. Nobody knew he was Conor, not even the best telepathic heroes like Jhi or Gerathon could figure him out. He had a mental distrubtion power from a different villain he stole from.

At school, Conor was trying to focus on his book. He always had a hard time reading because of his dyslexia. The words floated and letters jumped around on the pages which made it nearly impossible to read. He felt a sharp spike of pain shoot off in his head. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

Students were walking into class, somebody was a Able and Conor knew it. He could feel their power, their energy festering. It needed to be used. He hated feeling the festering, it would cause a headache to form and he had to deal with it because the idiot that had the festering was too stupid to use their powers enough to not cause festering.

Conor felt the pain grow as the energy drew nearer to him. He shouldn't look that was a evasion of this person's privacy by revealing their identity to their power. Conor kept his eyes down as a note dropped to his desk.

As he opened it, the note was written on neatly folded into fourths on torn line paper.

Meet me at the Zoo Tomorrow at 11am?

Conor wished had looked up. He wanted to know who was asking him this. Not that he had a problems with surprises, Conor loved surprises but he wanted to know who had written this. What if it was a joke? What this person wasn't going to meet up with him? What if they knew he was Briggan somehow? The reason he wanted to know was because he was naturally paranoid.

Conor didn't focus for the rest of the day. He kept the note and read it over and over again. Someone wanted to meet him at the Zoo on a Saturday. The idea was ridiculous. He needed to ask someone he could trust. That someone was Rollan.

Rollan lived at GC as well, being an Able with falcon wings, like actual wings, and enhanced vision.  He was a hero called Gyrfalcon.

Conor found Rollan sitting in his room, dressed in his suit "Hey Rollan are you going on a mission?" he asked.

Rollan only knew that Conor wasn't allowed on missions, he couldn't go on mission because of his 'condition' involving his speed power not working. The brown hair boy dropped his mask "Yeah, Tarik says I need to get in touch with public more. It helps them get used to heroes with animal traits, Abeke is going as well, since she's a more well known hero," he replied.

Conor smiled "So you are going to be her sidekick for the day?" he joked.

Rollan laughed sharply "Ha ha, very funny, so what's up? Did I get anything?" he asked.

Conor felt iffy, he knew why he was here but now couldn't face it "Your mom sent a letter," he said. It was half a truth and half a lie.

Rollan's face lit up, he was always happy to get letters from his mom. Conor took it out of his carrier bag "Here you go," he handed it over.

Rollan smiled but placed it down "I'll read it when I get back," he said.

Conor nodded "Alright, well I've got mail to deliver, catch you around," he said. He didn't wait for Rollan to tell him goodbye. He left in a streak of green and yellow.

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