Monsters: part 1

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Shane stared at the wide fanged smile of Conor Fenblood. It still scared him that meek boy was now the power hungry monster that captured him. Shane still remembered what caused this. The conquerors had captured the four and forced the other three to drink the bile. Instead of being weak and under control of the devourer, Gerathon made them more powerful and they betrayed the greencloaks. After the great beasts sacrificed themselves, the four didn't stop and so they grew to be dangerous enemies and took over the nations with the greencloaks and conquerors that obeyed them.
Conor Fenblood was the Alpha Wolf, the harsh leader of Eura. His wide fanged smile and bloodshot green eyes haunted towns and villages alike. He wore a blue cloak that had tatters and rips at the end; covering his hands, he wore clawed gloves with razor sharp nails. One glove and it's nails were pricking Shane's cheeks as Conor inspected his face "Oh very good, still got some regalness to you," he said. Shane growled angrily, baring his sharp crocodile teeth but this didn't detour the Alpha Wolf. His thumb wedge between Shane's teeth and forced his mouth open "Sharp, I likie a lot," he said in a sing-song voice. Somebody strode up behind them "He's mine Conor," Abeke said.
Conor shoved the hybrid away, Shane couldn't stop himself from falling onto his back and saw Abeke. Her skin was scarred with leopard spots. They called her the Arching Leopard, for her archery skills and as the summoner of Uraza. Conor stood facing her and stomped his foot "But I got him first!" he whined.
Abeke remained unfaze by the fit "He's in Nilo, he belongs to me. Isn't that the agreement we three made?" she asked coolly.
Conor's hands curled into fist as he huffed a heavy breath and his face turn red. He straightened up "I'll give Kitten to you," he bargained. Shane was confused, who was Kitten?
A hint of interest flashed in Abeke's eyes "What about his debt?" she asked.
Conor waved a dismissive hand "The longer he stays with you, the deeper in debt he gets. If you take him, I get to keep Shane," he replied and pointed to Shane.
Abeke didn't give any emotion away but smiled, her teeth were fangs as well "Deal," she replied.
Conor clapped his hands happily and he turned to his pack "Bring forth Kitten!" he said.
One man came up from the group, he lead a boy by leash made of rope. The boy wore a dark brown tunic, worn-out leather pants, and dark brown boots. He had brown hair and black cat tail with retractable claws. The boy looked at Shane. His face gave away who he was, that was Devin Trunswick. Devin must have suffered the same thing the bile had done to Shane.
Devin stared at Conor "What's going on?" he asked.
Conor smiled "You got a new master," he replied, taking the rope leash from the man.
Devin didn't budge when Conor tugged the rope "What about my debt?" he asked.
Conor pulled and Devin stumbled "You'll know in due time, you belong to Abeke now," he snapped harshly.
Devin's protest fell on deaf ears as Abeke took his leash and pulled him away. Shane felt fear twist his stomach in knots as Conor looked down upon him once more. Bloodshot eyes and a merciless smile revealed off the monster known as the Alpha Wolf. The monster waved a hand to his men "Cover his eyes, can't have him see home until we get there," he said.
Someone pulled Shane up by the ropes tied around his hands, a blindfold wrapped around his eyes causing the dry land of Nilo to simply vanish. Shane didn't need to know where 'home' was. They were headed to Trunswick, aka the Wolf Den.

Shane felt each bump and dip as the cart made its way through wherever, Conor was nearby. He could hear the monster's soft breath. "So what did she mean by you three?" he asked.
Conor hummed "What do you mean?" he countered.
Shane shifted, his knots were too tight and the ropes chaffed against his skin "Abe- Arching Leopard said the agreement we three made, I thought there was four of you monsters," he replied.
Conor chuckled to himself "Oh, its just Meilin, Abeke, and I are the three rulers. Rollan didn't want to join our conquest because of some dead old guy made him understand that what we all were doing was wrong," he explained. Shane heard an upset growl "Stupid boy, pathetic reason to give up all that power." Something smashed against the wall near Shane and it sliced his cheek. He couldn't hide the soft hiss that passed his lips. A soft, warm hand gently touched his cheek "Oh, I'm so sorry about that my Crocling, it wasn't supposed to cut you," Conor's voice whispered.
Shane shivered, how could he go from a bloodthirsty monster into a gentle boy so quickly? The hand brushed the cut softly and it pulled away "I need to go now Crocling, don't worry though because I'll be back tomorrow morning," he said.
The soft creaks indicated that Conor left the cart. Shane sighed a heavy breath, three powerful monsters and he helped created them.

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