The real first date

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Shane wasn't the guy who panicked. He didn't stressed over things or fill his time searching for loopholes. Tonight, however, was different. He scourged the shelves of the redcloak library. He had only till tomorrow to find away to prevent himself from shifting in the moon's light yet nothing should any signs of helping.
He wanted Conor to be happy and if the meant going out on a night he swore to never let anyone see him besides his redcloaks then by all means he tossed that oath out the window much like everything he did in his life.
Worthy and Jolt watched him flip through a book, wedge it back to its place, and take another out to repeat the process. Worthy strode across the room "King-"
Shane whirled around, he didn't have his mask on, so seeing his stressed expression was unusual for the two. His eyes were panicked, brows knitted and mouth tugged into a sharp frown "Please tell me you found something," he begged.
Worthy glanced at Jolt "We have one thing but its not entirely wise," he said.
Shane looked calmer "Anything."

Shane hated the answer. He tugged on the rather ridiculous outfit. They had gotten help from a redcloak tailor make something for their more beastial forms. He was wearing something similar to the outfit Shane had planed to wear when he found a useful potion, spell, trinket or whatever to keep him human.
On the night he was to meet Conor, Shane was in his crocodile form dressed in a dark cloak having the hood flipped over his head, a simple white shirt with red threading and soft gray pants. He couldn't bare it, that Conor was going to see him like he truly was. A monster. The once terrifying Devourer.
Conor sat out on the beach, his small figure illuminated by a traitorous moon. Shane stood in the trees trying to will himself out and embrace the blond he loved so deeply. His claws dug into the wood of a tree. The more his thoughts pestered him as how Conor would react, tube more his urge to go out waned. Would he be terrified, disgusted, angry?
Shane watched Conor from a distance, the euran had called Briggan out and was hugging the dog. Would his own fear ruin his chance? Most likely. Would Conor ever forgive him? Never.
Shane pushed away from the tree and embraced the light. He wasn't throwing away his shot.
If it made Conor happy, he would do it. If Shane could protect Conor until he died, he would. He wanted to let Conor know somebody loved him even if that somebody was scared of themself.
Briggan looked back and unleashed a series of loud barks. Conor turned to look up. His green eyes followed at Shane as the crocodile sat down next to him "I know I'm late," he said. His voice sounded much like a distant thunder clap, low and rumbly.
Conor stared on for what felt like forever, Shane wanted to hide away from the stare. Conor caught on and looked down "Its fine, I was half expecting you to not show up," he said.
Shane cast a small glance to Conor "Why is that?" he asked.
Conor softly petted Briggan, the wolf's tail beating on the sand repeatively "You redcloaks and your full moons but uh-" He spared Shane another glance, his hand slipping from Briggan's fur and barely poked the rough scaly hand "- This was the exact opposite of what I assumed," he said.
Shane caught Conor's hand and, or at least tried to, kissed it. Shane felt ridiculous pressing his muzzle mouth on Conor's hand and barely nipped his ring finger. Shane released Conor's hand afterwards "What had you thought was wrong?" he asked.
Conor blushed "You'd laugh if I said so."
Shane let out a soft rumble "If anything you should be laughing at me, I look ridiculous."
Conor pushed at Shane's side lightly "Not true! I think you look... Interesting to say the least," he replied.
Shane gave his best smile even if it didn't look that wonderful "So tell me, what did you think?" he asked.
Conor looked away "I thought you got..." he mumbled the last bit.
Shane leaned closer "What was that?"
"You got... H.." almost there.
Shane tilted his head "I can't hear you! Must be water logged!"
They sat in silence as Conor covered his face. Shane burst into loud laughter "Oh m- my greatbeast! I cannot believe YOU of all people! Thought that we... That...!" he started laughing harder and curled forward while holding his side.
Conor weakly punched Shane "Shut up! Its not like you ever said anything!" he complained.
Shane looked at Conor "So wait, wait, wait did you pick a full moon because...?" Conor's face turned even more red at the unfinished question. Shane started wheezing "OH MY GREATBEAST YOU WANTED TO HAVE SEX WITH ME! THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE!"
Shane tried taking deep breaths but the idea kept resurfacing and he broke into a giggle fit. Conor stood "If you're going to keep this up I'm leaving," he said.
Shane grabbed Conor's hand "Hang on, look I'll stop and we can sleep here if you want. Its not exactly what you were hoping for but if it makes you happy we can do it," he said.
Conor stared at Shane's golden eyes. This was somebody who came out to see him despite their horrifying apperence. He sat down "I question why I love you," he said.
Shane laid on his side "I think its my colorful personality."
Conor huddled up to Shane's chest, the crocodile wrapping his arms around the human "Shut up and sleep with me already."
They laid on the beach and slept, even as the sun trickled up and Shane shrunk back to his human form. Even when five people, their friends, found them curled together with their arms wrapped around each other and legs intertwined.
Rollan spoke softly while gazing at the two still completely dressed "Worthy owns me thirty dollars."

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