Chop Chop, Everyone

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Fanel stared at Rollan, caught in a current of nature magic. He was trying to solve the boy's magic. If the best would stop squirming then maybe he could just-

The falcon came into the room again and Fanel screamed as he waved his arms at it "OUT OR I CHOP YOUR LITTLE BEAK OFF FOR DINNER!" He shouted.

The falcon haphazardly flapped her wings and tried flying with broken bones. She screeched then flapped out of the room again.

Fanel huffed then turned around. The boy had broken out of the room again. The nature master flared up his magic and sent it hunting, he followed it. Once again Rollan was free, so once again he would find him.

Fanel found Rollan in the kitchen. The boy was harassing Tarik again. Always harassing Tarik about The Young One. They had been under it control but for some reason when Tarik entered Asder the spell on him was broken. He had taken Rollan and came to them.

Tarik was from the parallel along with Rollan and four others but he was unable to locate or capture them. The man still had connection to The Young One, sensing and tell the masters what he could figure out where the other kids were and what was happening with The Young One.

A few days ago he mentioned that more Erdasians were coming. Four with animals for great power and one with a mixture of human and animal. It was all he could come up with about them.

Tarik stared at the younger boy then at Fanel "I assume he got out again?" He said.

Fanel nodded as he flicked his hand at Rollan, capturing the boy in magic "That bird of his came back," he explained.

Tarik nodded "Essix, she has always neen a stubborn one. Whatever is wrong with her and Rollan have them even more so," he said.

Fanel smiled "Well I will get back to my work. I've almost reached his core," he said. The man nodded solemnly.  Fanel dragged Rollan back to the selective room. Rollan thrashed angrily in his binds. Not like that would have done anything about it. He was stuck again.


Fanel worked hard at squeezing magic out of Rollan. Even just a little magic would have done anything. If he could get some magic out then he could get the master of that magic to free whatever was infecting his mind.
Rollan was bound tighter now, magic from Fanel, Tipu, Jesper, Harus, and

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