Don't Mess With Me

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Benji stretched their long legs over the throne at the three prisoners stared at them "How it all began, if truth be told had a master plan," they said. A smile crossed Benji's face "Now I rule the world. Took 'em by surprise worked my way up hill. They looked into my eyes I became invincible!" They shouted with a loud laugh.

Benji rose up, the bathrobe fell around them lazily. They approached their brother, Chester as he glared. A smirk crossed their face "No one can stop me for only I am in control. If you want me, you'd better contact my people."

They dragged a sharp nail across Chester's jaw "In my crown, I am King! I love their endless worshipping. I am rawr, a monster but I will never be extinct."

Slowly the warlord stood up. Chester spat at them. The spit hit Benji's boot, causing them to snarl. They brought their foot up and pushed Chester down, grounding the heel into his skull as his face pressed against the dirt "So don't mess with me, I'll cut you down. Don't mess with me!" They roared.

Benji sent Chester and Alyssa off with a wave as they forced Tos to the foot of the throne "Show me sex appeal," they purred.

They tugged at his collar "Get on your hands and knees, forget about the meal, It's best to keep me pleased," the warlord informed. Tos grimaced as Benji drew closer.

Their voice dropped to a slutty purr "Imagine, if you will: Our meet on the block. I've got time to kill," They said.

The euran blushed as his body betrayed him. Benji smiled happily "So how about a quick fuck?"

The robe had been haphazardly fixed, a lazily smile spread across Benji's face "I've cum it's been fun but won't you please stay, something tells me you can further my career," they said to the former Prince.

He shivered as they traced a sharp nail down his chest "In my crown, I am king. I love their endless worshipping, I am rawr, a monster but I will never be extinct," they kissed his jaw.

Benji nipped at his neck "So don't mess with me, I'll cut you down, don't mess with me."

Benji had sent him off to a room. After a quick change, Benji had the three brought back out. They wore a skin tight dress showing  "'Cause all your heads are gonna roll, I've made your misery my goal! So if you want survival, kneel on my arrival for this is how I rule the world!" They boomed.

Their hand cupped Alyssa's jaw and forced her to look at them "No one can stop me for only I am in control and if you want me, You better contact my people," they said in a mocking voice of friendliness.

They released her with a rough shove, they glided over to the throne and took up a twisted iron crown "See my crown, I am king! You'll love the endless worshipping. I am rawr, a monster but I will never be extinct!" They stated.

The crown sat crooked on their head as they smiled as they walked back to the three prisoners "So don't mess with me, I'll cut you down." They shooed of Alyssa who was on the verge of tears.

Benji smirked at Chester, their brother had a split lip and a black eye "Don't mess with me, I'll cut you down." The brother growled but Benji held up a parasite. Chester backed off as the guards carried him away.

Benji stopped in front of Tos, they smiled warmly "Don't mess with me, I'll cut you down," they leaned closer. They cupped his jaw and forced a rough and hungry kiss.

"So don't mess with me."

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