A King's Folly: Chubby Conor x Shane

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This has heavily implied Sexual content.
Everyone's between 20-18 in this.

Shane thought of himself as a true king. He didn't have silly cruses or ridiculous fantasies as most young royals. He was true to mind, body, and chastity. Until one person came along.


The former Shepherd had soften over the years. His cheeks were fuller, his body was soft and plush, he wasn't that thin willowy boy Shane had once seen.

This bothered him. This was not good for him at all. They had met again because the conquerors won the war. It was a simple meeting with Primeminster Of Amaya Karmo with his troublesome Rollan, Unwillingly Empress Meilin, Devin the king of Eura and Conor, with Abeke sitting in place as head Cheifman to Nilo.

Shane felt himself become unfamiliar with his body. His stomach burned like lava in the very lowest of his body as he watched Conor.

It caused Shane to remained awake that night. The problem lingering in his mind. He tried willing it away. First mentally with thoughts of something disgusting (Thoughts of Conor kissing him. Those soft, plump lips on his own) which failed.

Secondly of force, putting his hand over it and pressing down in hopes of pain sending it away (Shocking images into his brain about Conor's soft flesh peeking out) which failed.

Thirdly by ignoring it, in hopes of it going away as it kept calling attention to be drawn to it (Soft flashes of flushed skin and embarrassed glances) once again failing.

The final thing Shane did was take care of it. His body turned into jelly as he laid on his bed. This was the start of a thousand troubles.

Shane found out a week later that the dreams started coming to him in the day. He watched Conor eat, useless to stop himself from doing such. One day Conor caught him staring, the euran stopped eating after that. Shane felt bad. It was embarrassing enough that he had gotten out of shape but now was being stared at by his worst enemy would be terrible for him.

That night Shane brought Conor food. It was set on a silver tay with a white Zhongese plate. The food was mostly little cakes and sweets. He imagined feeding Conor little pieces of food. His favorite fantasies were the cake ones. Ones where he would feed Conor little slices of fancy cake. Conor would protest that he didn't need to be hand fed but he'd fall silent when Shane pressed it into his mouth. He'd have frosting on his fingers and lick it off slowly and seductively while Conor watched.

Shane went still as he heard a noise come from Conor's room. It sounded so much like-


The tray dropped from hands and clattered to the floor. Shane covered his mouth. He couldn't be caught no out here not when Conor was-

He sprinted away before Conor got close to the door. The sound echoed in his head relentlessly and chased him to his room even as he huddled under the blanket like a child from a thunderstorm and even into sleep.

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