Tough As Iren

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Shane, Abeke, and Conor had nine kids together. Alpha, Alyssa, Chester, Benji, Demi, Enic, Florence, Omega and most of all the youngest, Iren.

Iren stood out amongst his eight older siblings. Unlike them he wasn't adopted like Chester and Florence, but neither was he related to Abeke like Alyssa and Demi, or related to Conor like Benji and Enic, neither was he related to Conor, Shane, and Abeke like Alpha and Omega. He was related to Shane however, the one who was both his father and his mother. A complicated explanation. Just like his father-mother, Iren was half human and half crocodile but unlike Shane, Iren was naturally born in an egg and hatched with unfornate crocodile trairs that made him stand out.

When he was younger his eyes were set too far part, his fangs were too big for his mouth, his voice sounded a lot like a squeak and his lips were thin. Iren had a tail which used to drag around him and get stepped on or trip the kids who weren't paying attention to the ground. His fingers and toes ended in claws making gloves, socks, and shoes a hassle to wear. Another unpleasant feature of him was his scales, they were too rough and sharp against the other normal kids' soft human skin. The worst thing Iren hated about himself was his cold blood. Due to the nature of him being reptilian, Iren was cold blooded therefore during spring, summer, and fall he attended school but in winter he was out of school in a death like slumber.

Iren hated everything about himself. He couldn't play with the other kids because they were scared of his crocodile features or they got to hurt easily. Iren didn't get the celebrate Christmas with his family because he was too busy sleeping. Halloween was no better because kids that knew him would make fun of him about not needing a scary costume because he was already scary. Thanksgiving was a basic train wreck because he didn't understand self restraint and always ate about half the uncooked turkey until his dad was prying him off the counter and away from the meat.

Iren hated everything about himself and wanted at least one little chance to be human. He got the chance when he met Alyssa's boyfriend, Xavier. An alchemists who dabbled a little in magical transformations.


Iren walked into the lab, staring at the reincarnation of Zerif "Hi Xavier!" He said. At 16, Iren was as tall as Xavier but with more muscle. Xavier was 24 years old and lacked muscle but what he lacked in strength was made up in intelligence.

Xavier fumbled his pencil for a moment "Oh!" He looked over to see the scaled freckled face of Iren "Hello um... Irwin?" He said guessing at Iren's name.

Iren frowned "Iren," he corrected.

The reincarnation flushed red "Oh sorry about that," he replied. Xavier placed his pencil down "So Iren what brings you to my lab?" He asked.

Iren felt his tail twitch "I was wondering if you had a potion to make me human even for a little while?" He asked.

Xavier shook his head "No, most of the ones I use turn me human but that's because they revert a change not cause one," he replied.

Iren huffed "Can't you make one that can cause a human change?" He asked.

Xavier clicked his tongue "No can do," he said.

Iren hissed softly and stormed off. Whatever, he was an amateur any way.


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