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Conor trembled.

No. Please let it not be tonight. Any other night but Tonight.

He had been bitten so many months ago but it still scared him everytime and he kept hoping that it wouldn't happen by the next full moon. Yet his begging fell to deaf ears.

His parents would let him spend the night outside, leave him to the darkness, into the moon's unforgiving light.

Conor aimlessly wondered in the dark forest. Pain danced and violently jerked in his body as he was failing to avoid the moonlight that poked and peeked through tree leaves. It was hard to see where he was or what was in front of him until he tripped.

The second he felt his ankle snap, he knew this wasn’t going to be nice and quick like the books had sais. Too breathless with pain to even howl, the boy’s knees buckled and he hit the floor. He dug his nails into the earth, gasping, vision blurring as everything went hot-cold. His blood pounded deafening in his ears. For a moment, he thought that was it. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. Then his jaw stretched and all he could do was scream. Face pressed against the wet dirt, breathing in the copper taste of his own blood and the Autumn leaves. His body shook. Tears burned the corners of his eyes as his vision blacked out and the world came back sharper than before. His skin itched and he tore at his clothes, at his hair, anything that would make the feeling stop. His throat felt raw, whimpers turning to whines like a kicked dog.

Please make it stop, anyone make it stop, I’ll do anything, pleasepleaseplease. Just make it stop.

Conor heaved, stomach writhing, sure he was going to be sick. He passed out when he felt his spine snap and knit together anew.

Conor woke up. His body ached and his new joints protested violently. He stumbled as he rose up onto his newer legs. Conor dug his hands weakly into the dirt before slowly treading through the forest. His mind was weak and groggy from his painful change. The only thought he had was going home.

Gotta get home. Ma will be worried. Pa will be looking for you. Garrin and Wallace are probably waiting on the porch.

He kinda half stumbled, half crawled to the house. Upon seeing the porch being dimly lit by the fading light bulb, Conor could see three figures on the porch.

A tall burly figure and two figures slightly shorter than the taller. He made it about ten steps away before he tripped over something. His body hit the ground and he yelped. The figures looked over to him, his body resting outside of the light. They could already see him though.

His large body, his beastly face, the awkwardly longer limbs all covered up by golden fur. The tall man held his arm in front of the two figures. They slowly approached Conor with ease until he let out a loud whine and tried getting up. He stumbled a bit before falling back now.

Conor whined loudly. He just wanted to go home and lay down in his bed. His body cried out in agony and didnt want to budge. The wolf placed his head on the man's shoe. His eyes slipped close. Conor fell asleep.

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