Mud Puddles

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Raining. Water. Mud. Clothing soaked. Angry.

Jesper was soaking wet and covered in mud. He was disgusted. That incompetent earth his mother had picked just knocked him into a puddle. Now he was covered in mud. The boy looked ashamed "Sorry! I didn't see you there," he said.

The boy held his hand out and Jesper smacked his hand away "Don't touch me," he said. The earth student got up and glared at his ruined clothing, he glared up at the boy "Watch where your going," he snapped.

The mind looked flustered "Um sorry, I just-"

"I just- I just- Oh whatever, leave me alone," Jesper mocked. He shoved past the boy without much thought. He was running late to his lesson with Master Ganh anyway.


The earth master smiled as Jesper entered the room. The earth boy sighed "I am sorry, I was pushed into the mud," he said.

Ganh chuckled "Its fine Jesper, I'm glad you were enjoying time with your element," he said. Jesper flushed as he knew what his teacher meant.

He didn't have any time to go back and change into clean clothing "I ran into the mind boy, he shoved me into the mud," Jesper said.

Master Ganh raised an eyebrow "Shoved you?" He echoed.

Jesper made a gesture "Well not shoved but bumped into me and I fell into a mud puddle," he said.

Ganh nodded "Ah, I knew my son wouldn't do such a thing," he said. Jesper tensed up. That boy was his master's son? He could not believe that at all.

The earth man stood up "Well anyway, today's lesson is already in place," he said. Ganh grabbed a bowl and tossed it at Jesper.

The earth boy was covered in mud again. He crumbled his hands into fist "I AM COVERED IN MUD AGAIN!" He shouted, his voice hitting a high pitch.

Master Ganh smiled "Yes, mud is earth too. You must become all form of Earth," he explained and grabbed a bowl. Jesper was suddenly covered in dust.

The boy coughed and hacked as the dust surrounded him in a thick cloud. Master Ganh tossed another bowl at Jesper. Pebbles hit his covered skin weakly, even getting caught in the mud and dust.

The master smiled "Now the final touch," he said.

Jesper opened his mouth but Master Ganh threw a bowl of hot water at him. The mud, dust, and rocks were washed off but still it was hot water. Jesper let out a swear as he pulled off his cloak and wiped hot water from his face. It wasn't too hot but it still stung a little.

Master Ganh nodded "Do you feel like an earth yet?" He asked.

Jesper glared "No," he replied.

Master Ganh smiled "Well, come along then," he replied. The earth strode off and Jesper followed.


Master Ganh hopped from puddle to puddle. Water and mud splashing around. Jesper watched in stunned amazement. A grown man was playing in puddles like a child. Distaste began to form but Jesper fought it down. Maybe this was part of the lesson?

Jesper stepped into one puddle. He gagged at the disgusting feeling of water soaking his shoe. He forced himself to put the other foot in. Jesper looked up at his teacher, watching the mam hop to the next puddle. Water and mud splashing.

Jesper hopped up. Splash. He jumped again and again and again. Splash. Splash. Splash. Jesper kept hopping into a rate and let out his anger.

Anger was like a puddle. It wasn't a problem until eomebody was jumping in it. Mud was earth, sturdy until wet. Muddy anger.

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