The Baker And The King 1

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Tos had entered the bakery without much on his mind besides asking about getting a caterer for the ball. A simple plan all in all or so it was until he saw the person running the bakery.

A woman with some chub on her and loose curls tucked into a ponytail, she wore a dress that helped support her figure. The thing was Tos knew something about the woman was all to familiar and he half hoped it was true and half hoped it wasn't.

The euran king sighed as he went to the counter. The woman smiled at him "Hello sir, how my I help you today?" She asked.

Tos smiled "Yes I was coming to ask of you could help cater an event I'm hosting," he replied.

She vanished down behind the counter but came back up with paper and a pencil "Alright what kind of event are you hosting and how many people will be attending?" She asked.

Tos glanced at the paper, he blushed "Uh mam your knot is coming loose," he muttered.

The lady blushed at the comment "Oh dear that's an embarrassing thing, I'll be back in a moment," she replied with a slight bow. She left to the back room.

Tos slipped the paper off the counter and looked it over. Nothing much was out of the ordinary except a catering list. He spotted the name above the bakery's own name.

Benji M.

He took up the pencil and filled it out while trying not to make a scene over his little discovery. Tos finished up a few moments before the woman- Benji, undoubtedly his Benji -returned with an apron on to cover their loosen dress strings. They smiled at Tos again "Sorry for the wait sir, where were we?" They said sweetly.

Tos smiled back to his his warring emotions "I think we were going to discuss treats for the ball," he lied.

Benji looked at the paper "Huh, I could have sworn we just started on-"

A boy, maybe 7 or 8, came from the kitchen "Abba, Ani says the cake is done," he said.

Benji looked at the boy "Aten, Abba is busy with a customer right now," they replied softly.

Tos wasn't sure what he said until it came out "I can wait Benji, have been for the past eight years now."

They stiffened and slowly Benji followed Aten to the kitchen. Tos took a seat at one of the empty tables with his cater order.


After maybe five hours of waiting, the two were alone. Benji sat at the table after closing up the bakery. They sighed "Okay you found me, what do you want?" Benji asked.

Tos tapped the list of sweets he had gotten "Well the sweet tarts sound nice but I was won-" Benji had a blank look on their face, not caring for the joke. Tos sighed "I've looked for you everywhere Benji, I still love you," he said.

The baker laughed "Well that's a lost cause," Benji replied.

Tos propped his head on his hand "Not really, I can still try to get you back," he countered.

Benji snorted at that comment "How so?" They asked.

The king smiled "Well first off I know you still have something for me. If you didn't then why haven't you kicked me out even after closing hours?" He answered.

Benji stopped whatever insult or comment they had and bit their lip. As time stretched on then Benji shrugged "You are something Tos but you wouldn't want me like I am now," they muttered.

Tos laughed shortly and shook his head "That's stupid of you to say," he said.

Benji glared "What do you mean by that?" They countered.

Tos smiled "Benji, you loved me when I was this-" he made a small gesture unsure of what to do "- chubby euran Prince who was almost scared of his own shadow," he said.

Benji blushed "You were cute back then, so easily embrassed by anything and getting flustered when you saw me," they replied.

Tos smiled as he slipped his hand on top of Benji's hand "I still do," he added.

Benji stared for a moment then pulled their hand away "You should go it's getting late and I have to put Aten and Ani to sleep," they said, sudden and rushed.

Tos frowned "I don't have anywhere to go maybe I can sleep here?" He asked.

The intersex adult sighed "On the couch but you leave first thing in the morning-" then stopped before looking back to him "-and don't bother Aten and Ani," they added and left the bakery.

Tos sighed, at least he was one step closer to getting Benji back into his life and maybe getting his kids.

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