Thunder And Lightning, very very frightening

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Little Tipu screamed. Huana looked at the little boy next to her. He had pulled the blanket over his head and was hiding under the blanket.

She walked over to him "Tipu, what's wrong?" She asked.

The little boy didn't move, he was possibly shaking but she couldn't tell "Scary," the four year old squeaked.

Huana sat on the edge of his bed "Do you want me to tell you a story?" She asked.

Tipu didn't say anything. Huana pulled his blanket back, he looked sad "I want story about mommy," he said.

Huana nodded. Tipu scooted closer and settled near her. She let out a deep breath "Your mom, by the totems, your mom was the woman who made your father the man he is today. She knew he had a lot of opinions and wasn't the best behaved boy of his age but she loved him more than anything else. When the previous master of Earth had picked him to be their student, he had almos declined but your mom insisted he become the earth master. He had a great knack for magic and knew he loved using it as much as he loved her though he loved her more. Your mom loved you too, she told your father everything she dreamed you'd be. A boy loved by everyone, somebody kids could look up too, someone that people could look to when things are tough, a gentle soul but a strong man. She loved you so much Tipu even in her final moments," the healer said.

When she looked at Tipu, the little boy had fallen asleep. His eyes closed and his breath slow and even. The fear of the storm raging outside of the house had escaped him.

Huana smiled and helped him into his bed. Tipu cuddled his stuffed rhino to his chest when she placed it in his arms. The healer gave him a small kiss on his temple. She went back to her own bed and fell asleep.


~9 years later~

Jesper watched Tipu. It was raining outside, a time when Tipu was often hiding. The earth boy was angry but from how Tipu was positioned the anger had evaporated from him. Tipu stared out the window longingly "I know you're mad about me killing your mom, I never met my mom. Master Naj was the closest person I had to a mom," he said.

Jesper raised an eyebrow "I thought you were raised by that healer woman? Wasn't she like a mom?" He asked.

Tipu shook his head "Mistress Huana was like a nanny than a mom. Master Naj felt like an actual mom to me," he replied.

Jesper walked closer to the mind "What happened to your mom?" He asked.

Tipu shifted positions, he pulled his knees to his chest "She died a few moments my birth, something tore inside of her and she bled out giving birth," he muttered.

Jesper placed his hand next to Tipu's foot "Oh, I'm sorry for asking," he said.

Tipu shook his head "Its fine, not like I knew her to miss her that much," he reassured. His clenched his jaw as thunder boomed then a flash of lightening followed. Tipu sighed after a moment "I'm gonna go to my room, I need to sleep," he said.

Jesper didn't follow.


Ganh remembered the day Tipu was born. It was the best and worst day of his life. There was a storm outside and his wife had died after giving birth. Tipu was small and screamed for the longest time. Ganh didn't know what to do with a baby, a new born baby who had taken the life of his wife.

He had been angry at first. Angry and hurt. He loved Felia so much and they were excited to have a child. This child, the boy he had waited months for to meet, had taken his wife's life.

The angry subsided as he watched the baby scream and squirm on the floor. A baby he had promised to love no matter what. Felia knew this was going to happen, she had dual magic. A mind and a power and her heritage had given her the ability to see beyond. She had seen when she would did and knew she wouldn't be there. Yet she still loved the child that would eventually cause her end.

Ganh had cleaned him off and cradled Tipu in a blanket. The baby had still cried out from hunger. Ganh had taken some of the milk that Felia had gotten at a market a few days ago and soaked a cloth in it.

The baby fell silent as he drank. Ganh loved his little son. The tiny wrinkles on his nose and around his eyes. He was small, smaller than he seemed when he was still in Felia. Ganh held him as the baby fell asleep.

Thunder boomed outside and immediately Tipu started wailing again. Ganh rocked him "Don't cry baby, dont cry," he said. It took a while but his son fell asleep again. Ganh smiled "My soft little Tipu, I love you," he whispered. He gently touched Tipu's tiny hand and watched as the baby curled his hand around his dad's finger. Ganh smiled wider.

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