Hoseok ↬ Stay Alive

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un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit neuf.

I'm not sorry, also, this is Hamilton Basssseeeeeddddd.


He slowly slipped out of the covers, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before heading off, getting dressed in a white undershirt, tying a cravat on his neck, pulling on a beige pants, slipping on his boots. He took in a deep breath, closing his brown eyes, running a hand through his orange hair, releasing his breath. He took his coat, placing a[n] F/C envelope down next to Y/N, taking a final glance of his wife, a smile taking over his face, brightening up his features.

"I love you . . . " He whispered softly before heading out the door, slipping his coat on, grabbing his pistol on his way to the front door, closing it softly behind him.

Yoongi—his best friend, waited for him outside, his pale hand gripping another pistol.

"Are you ready?" The shorter male asked, which Hoseok just answered with a nod, walking off to the meeting place—by New Jersey. He knows that in every step that he comes closer to death.

Standing there, is Yoon Jinhyung, a black cape sheltering him from the cold, his family's symbol printed st the back. Next to him stood his second, his friend—well, if he even have a friend—Lee Jinyoung, gaze stuck to the ground. A doctor facing the other way behind them, holding his bag with him.

"Glad to see you didn't ran off like a coward, Yoon," Hoseok spoke as soon as they arrived, chocolate eyes dull and lifeless, giving off an intimidating feeling. Jinhyung simply scoffed, rolling his hazel eyes.

"I'd rather drop the formalities, Jung. Get your pistols ready, hopefully your worthless family is ready for a funeral," Junhyung smirked, walking away from Hoseok, getting in place, facing north, pistol ready in hand, facing down.

Hoseok's eyes narrowed, but said nothing, getting ready as Yoongi made his way in the middle, discussing something with a nervous Jinyoung before walking back, standing on the side, giving his friend a small smile.

"Remember what she told you . . . " The male said as he passed, getting ready along with Jinyoung, standing right in the middle, a couple feet away from the two who's standing back to back infront of them.

"Aim for the sky, you don't want this lad's blood in your conscious."

"Ten steps ahead!" Yoongi shouted, taking in a deep breath, feeling anxiety slowly seeping in through his heart.

A step.

A step.

A step.

A step.

A step.

A step.


The sound of gunshot cut off the short male's words, a body dropping on the ground.

Hoseok's eyes widened, his hand raised, his gun aimed at the sky, feeling sudden pain ontop of his ribs, where red started to spread through his white shirt. Jinhyung stood behind him, a glare across his hatred filled eyes, gun aimed right at the other male's heart.

Y/N slowly arise from her slumber, E/C eyes half open, but was shooken to fully awake by her sister.

"Y/N! The doctor called! Your husband . . . " S/N didn't managed to finish, her voice drowning slowly to complete silence. Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly bolted out of bed, dressing up before suning towards the doctor's canin, panting, slamming the door open, almost breaking the door of it's hinges.

"Where's my husband?! Is he alright?!" She exclaimed, startling the doctor who's waiting impatiently in the middle of the living room.

"Mrs. Jung, your husband's inside," He lead the panicking female inside a room. "His wounds has been infected when he was brought in here half an hour ago," He spoke quickly. "I tried the best I can..."

Y/N scrambled to Hoseok's side, tears streaming down her face, grabbing his hand gently. "Hoseok . . ." She sobbed softly. The male simply cracked one of his cheesy smile, untangling his hand from his wife's grip, just to softly place it on her cheek.

"I did what you said, love," He said, his voice soft, gentle, and quiet. "I held my head up high..." He added with a small smile, a single tear running down his cheek.

"Hush, save your strength...stay alive for me, please..." Y/N simply whispered, placing a kiss on Hoseok's forehead.

Of course, being the stubborn man he is, Hoseok continued talking, wincing occasionally, blood running down the side of his mouth.

"I aimed for the sky . . . before we even get to turn . . ."

"I know, I know . . ." She replied, placing her hand over his on her cheek, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"Repeat after me, okay, Hoseok?" She said with a smile before she started counting, Hoseok following after her.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit neuf."

"Un, deux, troix, quatre, cinq, six, huit . . . neuf . . ."

"Good . . . Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf."

"Un . . . Deux . . . Trois . . ."

Hoseok's hand went limp. And just like that, her love, her everything, died in her arms.

I'm trash for Hamilton.

There's probably alot of mistakes and typos.
Sorry about that XD

- AwkwardKing

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