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|In Han River Bridge|Y/N p.o.v|

This is it I will finally end all of my sorrow right here on this bridge. I will do what people wanted me to do for a long time.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did mom, dad, and my classmates... I will finally do what you wanted me to do for a long time........ I will get out of your lives." I said out loud to my self. 

Slowly I spread my arms feeling the cold wind flow around me. Closing my eyes ready to fall, the tears in my eyes flowing out like a river.

"Goodbye world..." I whispered slowly.

When I was about to fall down the bridge, I felt a hand wrap around my waist pulling me down to the ground with the person.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted standing up,"why did you stop me!?" 

"Miss I just tried to save you," The guy said," I just heard what you were saying and I thought you don't deserve to die just yet because those people told you to." 

"It's true though,"I said,"I need to die."

"Don't listen to them miss they don't know who you are and what kind of a person you are," he said,"By the way I'm Jungkook and you are...?"

"Y/N" I smiled for the first time.

"Thank you Jungkook."

"Oh and by the way what are you doing here Jungkook?" I asked.

"Well... like you I was planning to end my life right here but I figured it's not the time... not yet." he said.


"Anyways now that I know some things about you do you want to be my friend?" he asked.

"You know you are the first person to actually ask me that"

"Well, what do you say friends?" he asked with a hopeful voice.


"Yess!" he shouted.

"You what let's make a promise... let's promise each other that we will die together and live our lives for now." he said holding out his pinky for a pinky promise.

"PROMISE." I said while sealing the promise.

|No Ones p.o.v|

The both of them started to hang out and started to know more about each other. They grew closer and closer. And their feelings for each other grew every time they were together. But one day on Jungkook's birthday suddenly Jungkook disappeared and when Y/N tried to call and text him but there was no response.

|September 1|

Y/N<3: Happy Birthday Kookie!!

Y/N<3: why aren't you texting me back?

Y/N<3: are you ok?


Y/N<3: Jungkook I'm getting worried...

Y/N<3: Jungkook where are you??

Y/N<3: please answer my texts...

Y/N<3: that's it I'm calling...

Y/N<3: please answer my calls...

|Jungkook's Phone p.o.v|

Incoming call from Y/N<3

 Accept or Decline

|Y/N p.o.v|

*RING RING RING RING RING* "The person you are trying to reach is not availa-"

"Jungkook why are you not answering my calls."

I tried it one more time and finally, Jungkook answered.

|On The Call|

Y/N: Jungkook why aren't you answering my calls and texts I was so worri-

???: Y/N is that you?

Y/N: Mrs. Jeon is that you? Why did you answer instead of Jungkook?

Mrs. Jeon: I guess you didn't know what happened.

Y/N: what do you mean Mrs.Jeon did something happen to Jungkook?

Mrs. Jeon: Y/N-ah listen carefully ok?

Y/N: Okay...?

Mrs. Jeon: Jungkook is dead he took his life last night when you guys went out he didn't return home.. the police found his body in Han River.

Suddenly Mrs.Jeon bursted out in tears. My tears slowly flowed down my face I ended the call and fell on the ground and sobbed.

Jungkook you PROMISED. You promised we will die together. Why did you go first!? Why did you leave me alone in this world. You were the only one I trusted. WHY WHY WHY!? Why did you break the PROMISE?


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