Hoseok ↬ Followed

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"i can't anymore..Let's break up. We always fight, it will hurt us more." y/n explained.

"i agree. I can't deal with a bitchy attitude and a brat." Hoseok spat back grabbing his jacket from the couch.

Y/n fell on her knees sobbing in pain as Hoseok walked out the door.

He didn't care. Although, his heart is slowly breaking apart.

They met when y/n moved in. Her house was right beside Hoseoks.. That was 4 years ago.
They got close and eventually, he asked her out and started dating for 3 years.

Hoseok was busy and started ignoring y/n for 2 months. They would always fight when she brings it up. Especially when they go out for a date.

That day, was the worst fight they ever have. There was throwings of vases, cursing, pushing..it was bad.

One month later_

Y/n stayed in her room the whole time, hugging her knees and crying. The last time she ate was after the break up. She's dying, helpless..

Hoseok noticed that the flowers she used to water, died. No one was watering it. Everyday he would also notice the darkness of the house.
He went to your house and knocked. No one answered so he took the key that was under the door carpet and opened the door.

He was greeted with darkness. Everything he saw was covered in dust. The dust entered his nose making him cough. He could still see the broken vases.

He scrunched his nose. He was worried. He went up the stairs slowly entering the room.

What he saw was very disturbing. A lifeless y/n was lying(?) down the floor. She was skinny..very skinny. You could see her bones and she looked so fragile.

"y-y/n..wh-why did you do this to yourself..I was stressed..i'm sorry i let it out on you.." he said weakly and his voice cracking.

He called 119(or 911). They arrived and took y/n out. She was in a critical condition..

3 hours later_

He watched as they cover her dead body. It was a nightmare..but it was real.

He was a mess and he blamed himself..so..

He followed her.


happy new year pasta's, noodles, makaronis!!!!


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