Namjoon ↬ Outcast

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" Oh and remember that time went skating and then I fell and my icecream smudged all over my face!?" Namjoon cackled as Surie hit the back of his head

"That was only us two jagi!" she muttered, but I heared

Namjoon made an 'o' with his mouth and scratched his neck, trying to think of other ideas to talk about

"How about last week where-"

Surie hit his head once again as he winced from the pain

I wasn't here last week..

Surie and Namjoon were dating and I felt ,like a third wheel- an outcast

I just smiled, " It's okay! I don't really mind!"

But I do mind.

  I like Namjoon.. 

but I'm happy as long as Surie is happy. I'm not destroying our friendship just because of a boy.

"Anyways.. what was the reason for this 'meet up'?" Asked Surie with air quotations on the word meet up

"guys... I'm moving.."

Namjoon choked on his water as Surie stood upslamming her hands on the table

"WHAT!" they both shouted at the same time.

"But why!?" Surie said her eyes glistening from the tears that wanted to fall

"Dad has a new job.. but it's at Busan.."

Surie started sobbing and pushed Namjoon out her way to hug me

"Why can't you stay!??"

"I'm so sorry Surie"

Namjoon joined the hug

"When area you leaving?" He asked


"wahhh! That is one day away! Why didn't you tell us!?"

"I'm sorrry!"

|One week later

After I introduced my self, the teacher told me to sit next to a girl named sooja

"Hai!" She greeted happily


"my name's Sooja" she whispered


"Lol I know! You literally just introduced your name!" She giggled putting her hair behind her ear 

I couldn't help but also giggle as she told jokes until the bell rang

The day was better than I expected and I made a few friends like Sooja

Sooja and I got along well, but we had different interest.

Sooja loved to talk about some american band that i wasn't interested in,

I smile as I closed my eyes.

I didn't think I would have a friend so easily.

|next day 

Sooja and I were in different classes for the second period, so that meant I was going to be lonely.

Science was amazing and hard, except for the fact that when we had to pair up.  No one in the class was anyone i knew so I was always with the "leftovers"

Soon, lunch came and I saw Sooja talking to a new girl.

"Oh y/n! This is Eunnae!" she introduced.

That moment everything started to go downhill..

Sooja and Eunna had so much interests and they got along better than me and Sooja

It didn't take long to realize that I was an outcast- once again.

4 years.. I struggled with trying to fit in with them until finally.. HyoNeul came.

She was in my science class and I was so happy that I was not alone again.

The only problem was..

HyoNeul and I weren't the bestest friends.

We were friends yeah. But she didn't really get me most of the time.

She usually seemed rather bored around me, but put up with me anyway since she had no choice .

I didn't really mind this, thinking she would understand me..

But when the last year or university started

Jera came. 

Jera and Hyoneul became friends, and I have never seen Hyoneul laugh that much with me.

Sooja, Eunna, Jera , and Hyoneul were the best of friends along with me,but when it came to groups, I was the last choice- the outcast

I couldn't get along with them at all.

I always thought..

Someone will come..

But no one did.

Soon we graduated and no one came.

And it hit me.

I was nothing but an outcast

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