Taehyung ↬

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It was a beautiful morning, Taehyung woke up with a beautiful migraine.

He immediately jumped off his bed and headed to the bathroom.

Taehyung looked at humself in the mirror and thought, "What a beautiful face I have!".

He took a shower and got ready for work.

He looked over at (Y/N) and said goodbye.

He locked the door behind him and headed to the bus stop.

"Hello everyone! What a beautiful day it is!"

Everyone at BigHit has never seen him so happy.

During work, he thought about (Y/N) the whole time.

He looked at the clock with anticipation.

"When can I go home??" He impatiently groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, just wait. Just one more hour then you can see your precious (Y/N)" Jungkook said, while being annoyed with his hyung.

One hour passed....

"Okay everyone, good work today. Now let's all head home."

"Finally," thought Taehyung.

He ran to the bus stop and headed back to his apartment.

Taehyung opened the door with caution so that he doesn't wake (Y/N) up.

He gasped in horror and disbelief as he saw (Y/N) lifeless.

He ran to her aid and picked her up.

"This can't be happening. Why did you drown yourself?! " he screamed as tears trickled down his cheeks.

He watched as (Y/N) was lowered into the ground.

Taehyung was devastated.

"Why did you leave me?"

After that, Taehyung got severe depression.

In (Y/N)'s grave it said.......

R. I. P.
(Y/N) the Goldfish
(Date of Birth) - IDK
You will be forever in our hearts

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