Lie|Broken Pt.2|-Jungkook

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|After 8 Years|Night Time|Y/n p.o.v|

Finally the day has come, I will confess to Jungkook. I have lost contact to Jungkook and Haruka after that day. But I have some connections which told me where Jungkook lives now. You might think that I'm a stalker because of that. You can call me anything you want but I just need to take all my feelings out and tell everything...........

I don't want to live in a life full of LIES and Regrets anymore.

I drove through the road trying to find Jungkook's house number.

"2005, 2005, 2005 Oh there it is!" I said

I parked my car outside his house but stayed inside the car. I layed my head on the steering wheel sighing loudly while closing my eyes.

"Well here goes nothing." I whispered to myself.

I got out of the car and took a big breath before walking towards the door to ring the door bell.

When I rang the door bell a familiar female voice spoke.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Ummm... may I ask if Jeon Jungkook lives here."

"Wait... Y/n Unnie is that you?!"

"H-Haruka?" I stuttered.

Then the door opened and showed an excited Haruka. Thats why her voice sounded familiar I thought. She stepped out of the house and hugged me I was surprised but I hesitantly hugged her back.

" Unnie! I havent seen for such long time how are you?!" She asked while breaking the hug.

"I have been good how about you?" I asked putting on a fake smile.

"I have been great too, but anyways come in Unnie." She said taking my hand and pulling me inside the house.

She made me sit on the sofa and we had a chat. Then footsteps coming down the stairs could be heard making me look towards where the sound was coming from.

There he was handsome as ever. Everything about him was perfect. I stood up still looking at him and when he noticed me he gave me a huge smile. I bowed and smiled waved at him. Then he ran down the stairs and tackled me in a tight hug. And same as Haruka I hesitated on hugging him too but hugged him anyways.

"Omg Y/n I haven't seen you in a very long time how are you??" He asked breaking the hug asking the same question as Haruka.

"I'm good." I said making the same fake happy smile.

He made me sit down and walked towards Haruka's direction and sat next to her.

Silence filled the room but was soon broken.

"Haruka can I borrow Jungkook for a little bit I just want to have a quick talk with him and catch up on some things." I asked.

"Sure! No problem I need to cook dinner anyways."

I gave her a calm small smile

Jungkook and I walked side by side down the street to go to the playground. None of us were talking. When we reached the playground we sat on the swings the silence still taking over us.

"Well umm.... how are you and Haruka?"

"We got married two years ago and she is 1 month in pregnancy!" He said in excitement.

"Congrats Kook your going to be a father now!" I said full of fake excitement.

"Hahahah thank you!" He said.

We made jokes and made fun of each other like the old times.

But now I have to tell him.....

"Jungkook I have been meaning to say this to you since we were in high school."

"Okay......." he said.

"Well here goes nothing." I said and sighed.

" I like you, since we were in high school I know that you love someone else but I just needed to take this off my chest, I'm not expecting to get a response that I like but it's okay thats just how my life works."I said and closed my eyes tightly scared of what his expression is. I opened one of my eyes and looked towards his direction to see him looking down then a tear dropped from his eyes and to his pants.

"Why didn't you tell me............. Why?!!" He asked.

"Cuz I couldn't! I know that I will just get hurt at the end! I didn't want that to happen! I didn't have the courage to tell you! I want to stop telling myself and everyone I'm okay everything is fine when it is really not! I lived in a life full of LIES just because of something I couldn't say to someone that   I....... I love."I yelled at him but saying the last part in a whisper. My voice cracked a lot because I was trying to stop my tears. But it didn't work my tears flowed down my face.

"And I regret it....." I added.
I stood up and started to walk towards downtown good thing it was very close to the playground.

|No One p.o.v|

Y/n found a hotel that has 20 floors and a rooftop. She took the elevator up to the rooftop. But she didnt know that Jungkook was following her.

When she reached the rooftop she instantly walked towards the edge and took off her shoes then stood up getting ready. She looked at the view of Seoul one last time. This might be the last beautiful thing she will see after she ends everything.

The door flew open making her turn back she saw JUNGKOOK. He ran towards her direction but he was too late.........

She has already jump down the building.

"Goodbye Jungkook-ah......" Was the last thing that ever came out of her mouth.

He cried......

his first love has died...........

                                  THE END.

My very first update in 2018😅😂.I'm sorry if it wasn't very good and was boring. Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes. Thank you for reading Fam!


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