Hoseok ↬ Thoughts

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"Let's break up." He said hands inside his pocket.

you nodded .

Hearts shattered.

2 months later.

"Y/n! You're late for school!" your mom yelled at you causing you to groan.

"mom, you know I hate school..and JUNG  FUCKING HOSEOK!" you replied stretching.

"you know y/n, still need to beat him up for breaking your heart."

"Mother~ we both agreed to break up.." you stood up running to your bathroom to do your make up as Your mom rolled her eyes with an annoyed look.

As soon as you finished getting ready, you headed out ignoring your yelling mom telling you to have breakfast.

"see you later!"then you ran to school like there was no tomorrow. If you were late again that would mark as  the 20th time you went to school late.

You panted walking to your desk, the bell rang two seconds after you sat down.

"psT! Did you have breakfast?" Jinho, you're best friend asked.

"no." you replied your eyes slightly closing.

The teacher came in, books in her chest. The class was great apart from Jinho throwing you snacks to secretly eat so you could have breakfast.


Jinho followed you as you headed out for the cafeteria. Every table was taken but the ones beside Hoseok. You guys sat and talked, forgetting that Hoseok was right beside you. You lowered your voices when a girl walked towards Hoseok. 

"Uhm..Hoseok.. Can I sit here?" He replied with a small nod. 

Boredom was showed in his angelic face.

'No,you can't sit there!' You thought chewing the food viciously at the sight of the girl sitting with Hoseok. Suddenly, you thought of an idea.

Your hands reached Jinho's,

"Jinho-ah.. Do you like the food?" you said cutely caressing his hand softly. 

Jinho stared at you confusingly. you noticed his face, so you pointed your head to Hoseok.

"Oh-Yeah..It's nice." Jinho smiled awkwardly, but i guess it was pretty convincing. i guess

"Hoseok~ah... Do you want to come over? My friends and your friends can hang out~" The girl winked.

'OH HELLL NO.' you thought once again.

"I'm actually busy.." Hoseok muttered.

 you bursted out laughing, which caused Hoseok to glance at you.

"-Thatwassofunny." you tried hiding the fact that you laughed because Hoseok rejected her.

"You know what? I'll come. My parents will probably let me go." Hoseok spoke as your smile fello into a frown.

"GREAT!" the girl clapped happily.

Now it was time for Jinho to laugh at you.

"I'll meet you in the hallways." You kissed his cheeks for no reason before running away in embarrassment.

Jinho's face was red, as He smiled slightly before running after you, not knowing Hoseok saw what happend in the corner of his eyes. 

"I'll get going. see you." Hoseok ran after you guys. He stopped in the corner to hide.

"Jinho-ah.." You were cutted of with a kiss. He emptily stared at the two, he went towards you roughly pulling you away from Jinho and dragged you to the school entrance where it was silent.


"i don't know.." he whispered.

"Are you.."

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" Hoseok turned away yelling.

"Jeez okay okay.." Nobody talked after that. The air conditioning was the only thing that was heard.

"Can I ask you something?" you asked.

"You already are." 

"Erm Okay..Uh why did you break up with me?" You croaked trying not to cry.

"Because I don't love and like you anymore." Hoseok replied coldly.

"Why did you agree about the break up?" Now he was the one that asked you.

"Because.." 'Y/n..you can do it..'

"- I felt the same thing!" you yelled at him. 

Of course you lied.

 The real reason was, you knew he wasn't happy. He loved you but, the relationship was just..full of sadness and emptiness.

So really, you both let each other go.

You walked home skipping school because you felt tired and sick.

Here you are, punching your pillow.A crying mess. 

"Y/N YOU STUPID GIRL!! WHY DID YOU LIE?? YOU KNOW YOU LOVE HIM, MISS HIM!!" You continued to punch your pillow.

"But he doesn't." you punched the white- full of tears-pillow slowly.

Hoseok POV.

I do care about her. I do miss her. I do love her. I was jealous. 

If I didn't break up with her, I might've lead her on. If we break up, she'll find a new guy, she'll be happy.  That's all i've ever wanted. For her to be happy.But  I couldn't make her happy. Acting cold and lying is the only thing i could think of. 

I'm such a mess.

 A heartbroken mess.

But now, It looks like she doesn't love me anymore. I don't have a chance.

I lost her.


haha this is a mess 

we apologize for not updating often! We just ran out of ideas..

My second last chapter of this book..

~Awkwardkookie <3

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