Yoongi- 12 hours

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R.I.P  ♡


(Welcome to Mass update DAY TWO!)


  ☾ Minkoo☾ 

"Bye Yo-"

Yoongi slams the door obviously not wanting to hear me.

There he goes again, to his girlfriend, thinking that I have no clue of where of what he is doing.

I know he doesn't love me. Atleast not anymore.  The only reason he keeps on dating me is because his parents forced him to.

You see, his parents liked me. When Yoongi still loved me, he always brought me to his and his parents house so we were pretty close.

Sighing, I stood up to get dresses. Today, I had an appointment with Doctor. 

Wearing a quick oversized hoodie and some black jeans, i slipped on some converse high before leaving to the hospital.

Casually, I waved my arms to capture a Taxi.

"Daegu Hospital Please..." I muttered

On the way, I counted my money to see if  there was enough. I knew Yoongi had been taking my money to give to his girlfriend.

I took a few wons to give to the driver but he shook his head.

"It's a freebie for a pretty girl like you" The driver smiled as his eyes turned into small crescents.

I smiled muttering a quick thank you and exiting to leave to the hospital.

Sitting down on one of the chairs, after I told the front lady my appointment, I start to look around. The room was neat and well... very pink. The small check-up bed had mario prints... Wait.. Am I in a children's check up??

Suddenly, a handsome man came in with a clipboard

"Oh! You must be  Ji Minkoo?"

"Ah ne.."

"so.." he read over the clipboard, "you've been vomitting, had a fever with chills and sweating, and... nausea?" He finished while pushing his glasses up.

Nodding, i bit my lower lip..

"that.. that sounds.. You know what.. we need to take a sample of your blood.." he said while getting his needle and bag ready...

He came to me and injected the needle for some blood samples.(I DONT KNOW HOW THIS WORKS)

"please wait patiently while we test the samples~" he said before walking out the door

Seconds turned to minutes as I waited, using my phone

Finally... The doctor came back...

he looked a bit scared and was biting his lips.

"miss.. we.. uhm need to look at your skin.. p-please follow me.." he muttered gesturing.

I stood up following him to a room

  ♟ after the testing♟ 

I stood outside the room as the doctors- along with mine, Kim SeokJin, discussed.

I had been at the hospital for 2 hours already..

Finally, for what seemed like forever, Doctor Seokjin came out.

"Moonki dear, you need a biopsy.. (basically an examination of tissue taken out of the body)"

I gaped at the doctor.

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