Jin ↬ Lollipop Pt.2

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|Y/N p.o.v|

The sound of the beautiful melody created by the piano was beard aloud the church. Slowly a small petite girl walked a long the isle that had a red carpet arms linked with her fathers arms.

At the other end was a tall broad shouldered[?? Is that even a word] handsome male. He had a small smile on his face it was barely even seen. But for me I saw it. The girl's dad let go of his daughter's hand and gave it to the boy in the front and whispered something to the boys ear and the boy smiled and nodded.

Jin took the girls hand and walked up the isle giving the girl a huge smile. Soon the priest started the ceremony.

They look happy together. I guess he doesn't need me anymore but I still can't help but to think that...

I should be the one up there with him not her but I'm not. I should be the one with him for the rest of our life but that's not me. I should be the one making him him happy but it's not me either.

I'm just the person standing at the back watching and silently hurting myself more and more while watching them be happy.

The ceremony passed by quickly and it was already the kissing part.

"You may now kiss the bride." The Priest said.

Jin went towards the girl lifting up the veil, slowly leaning into her face and gave her a soft gentle kiss on her lips for a good 50 seconds.

It hurts so much I can't watch anymore. My tears fell down as I sobbed I quietly. Then when I noticed people starting to look at me I quickly pushed my cap down and put my hood up and ran out the exit door silently hoping that he wouldn't see me.

I ran to my car and drove far away from the church and everyone.

I ended up going to the beach. I parked my car and went out and sat close to the water and cried harder. It was silent except for the sound of the waves and my crying. It was very calming.

Soon I stopped crying and just looked at the scenery.

I went to my car and took out a lollipop and went back to the place where I sat down.

I unwrapped it and put it in my mouth.

What should I do now? Should I break up with him since it wouldn't be fair for the girl if he was dating another girl in secret. I want them to be happy.

I need to let go now for them to be able to be happy.

My tears fell again I stood up and went to my car taking a piece of paper and pen and worte them a letter. And placed it on the drivers seat of my car along with my phone and other belongings. I locked my car and left the keys in the sand beside the door.

I kept crying while doing those actions.

I walked to the sea remembering every memory I had with him.

I'm sorry Jin but I have to do this to for you and her to be able to be happy. You don't need me anymore you have her and your future kids.

The water touched my feet it was cold but I kept walking making my clothes soaked and cold. When I couldn't touch the ground anymore I swam as far as I could making sure it was far from the shore and was very deep

I looked back one more time my tears becoming one with the water. I let my body go down the water

. My eyes was still opened and I could still see the light from the sky.

I opened my mouth, the leftover oxygen leaving my body as water filled up my lungs slowly and painfully

But soon my eyes started to close, my lungs with suffocating pain and my body started to go more down to the bottom of the sea.

And finally I let out my last breath, and everything became black.

Bye everyone. I will miss all of you. Sorry for everything and being a burden and kept you guys from being happy especially you Jin but now you don't need to worry about me anymore because I will stop being a burden and leave this world forever. For the last time GOODBYE.

                                The End?

Thank you for reading. Finally I updated after a long time😂😂. Sorry for any mistakes in the story. Do you guys want to have another part for Jin's p.o.v. Please tell me.
Good Morning|Good Afternoon|Good Night


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