Jimin ↬ Breaks

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8:42 pm
Hey, (Y/N). I know this is very unprofessional but I have to do this. Thank you for everything and all but we have to break up. Don't get a wrong idea. I think you're a nice person? But I don't think we'll work out. If you were wondering why, I have a new girlfriend. I'm sorry but I think I love her more. Let's break up. Don't try contacting me or texting or anything cuz imma just block you or smth. Ok. Bye.
Don't kill yourself.

I scoffed to myself as I sat on the edge of my bed. This guy. I knew he was cheating on me for a long time now. I tried my best not to make it obvious but it's hard. I was waiting for him to confess for months already. I prepared for the impact it was going to give me. But I didn't know it would hurt this bad.

I punched my pillow as tears fall down like a waterfall. I'm so stupid for waiting. I'm stupid because I waited for him. I waited for him to confess and made my suffering longer.

I buried my face into the pillow as I screamed into it. I hate this. Why does it hurt so much? I flipped over with me facing the ceiling. I closed my eyes as I slowly drifted into sleep.

Hours later, I woke up and sat up. My head is aching. what the fuck? I rubbed my forehead, like that helps, and looked at my phone. A message from Aunt Jaehee.

Aunty Jae🗒
11:28 pm
Hey, Darling. I know it's really late but you're probably still awake. You know the hospital Pa is in? He told me to tell you to come there as soon as you see this. It's urgent. Come quick, ok?

Odd. I'm slowly getting nervous.

My Knees😂😂😂
11:30 pm
Aunt Jae. Is it in Severance?(i think it's a hospital in seoul). What room number is he in? I'm coming.

I quickly stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I brushed my hair real quick, took my bag, and ran to the living room. I grabbed my keys and ran to my car.

Aunty Jae🗒
11:36 pm
It is. Just go to the receptionist and tell them Pa's name. They'll tell you. Drive safely.

Ok. I exited my garage and drove off. Luckily, there's no traffic. I got there faster than I expected.

"Uhm... Hi. Can I ask where Kim Jung Hoo's room is?" I said to the middle aged looking lady on the other side of the counter as I anxiously tapped on my phone.

"Kim Jung Hoo. Ah! It's on the third floor, room number 248," She smiled at me as she looked up from the computer.

I thanked her as I ran up the stairs to the third floor. No time for elevators. I climbed as fast as I can. I got there, panting my balls off. I ran through the hallways until I found the room.

"Room 248," I said as I entered.

"You're finally here," Aunt Jaehee said as she smiled at me and pushed her glasses up.

"I'll give you two space to talk," She looked down and walked pass me as she patted my shoulder.

I ran to Grandpa's side and sat on the chair and pulled it near the hospital bed.

"What's wrong, Hal-abeoji? Are you ok? Is something wrong? Are you hurting?" I bickered as he smiled at me.

"I have something to tell you, ok?"

"I'm listening," I smiled as I held his hand.

"I know we shouldn't have favorites as grandparents. Don't tell anyone, ok? You're my favorite grandchild," He whispered to me as I laughed.

"Now, that's bad," I said back to him in reply.

"The real reason I called you here is to say something you might not be ready for. I know you should know that this will be coming. I want you to be brave and strong for Hal-abeoji, ok?" He said to me as I felt my heart aching with every word he said. I know where this is going.

"I'm already old. I think the heavens wants me to take a break. I'm also tired so let's just let them take me. I want to see you have a family of your own. I'm sorry I won't be able to see that. I know you understand. I know you're strong and you can get through anything. I'll always guide you no matter where I am. Remember what I told you. Be yourself. Be brave, strong, and independent. I want you to have someone to take care of you. I don't like Jimin for you though. There's other people out there. Remember that Hal-abeoji will always love you,ok?" Tears were falling as he wiped it of my face. He smiled at me while saying the things he wants to say.

"Your Aunt Jaehee has something for you. Don't forget about me, (Y/N). Take care of the people around you. Take care of your Halmeoni for me. Tell her that we'll see each other one day. Thank you for being a great grandchild. Thank you for being so caring. I hope you do well in the future," He said as he squeezed my hand gently. I cried and cried. I can't believe he's saying this.

"I will make you more proud, Hal-abeoji. I won't forget you. Thank you for everything," I wiped my tears as I hugged him. He patted my back as he closed his eyes. I heard a muffled beep as I closed my eyes shut.

Aunt Jaehee walked in with a doctor.

"I think it's time to go," She smiled to me as she squeezed my hand. I can see her red and swollen eyes. Sadly, we're the only family members here.

We let the doctors do their work as we took the elevators downstairs.

"I'll see you around, (Y/N). Remember, I'm always here. Just give a call and I'll try my best to be there," She cupped my face and she talked and ended with a hug. She passed me the box Hal-abeoji told me to have.

"Thank you. Also give me a call if Mr. Han gets too much," We parted and said are goodbyes as we walked the opposite ways.

I got in my car as I burst out crying. Everything happened in one day. I can't take the mental stress I have. I drove out of the parking lot and went home. It was raining and gloomy. Wow. Fits everything. I screamed in anger as I held the steering wheel tighter and tighter until my knuckles turned white.

I got home after a few minutes later. I ran to my bedroom and slammed myself onto the bed. Inside the box Hal-abeoji gave was a letter and a will for me. And his belongings that I adored as a kid. A bunch of his drawings and art supplies. A really old, but still working, camera and old photos. I smiled to myself and I realized something. Something I realized a long time ago.

I have nothing or no one. Aunt Jaehee is always busy and so are my friends. Hal-abeoji is gone. Jimin is gone. Appa and Eomma are in another country doing business stuff. I don't have anyone to talk to since I live alone. No pets no nothing. I don't care anymore. No one cares anymore. No one did. I cried and cried as I drifted to sleep.

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