Jung Hoseok - Pt. 2

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I walked to the washroom after sending (Y/N) and her siblings to their room. I opened the top cabinet and took out my antidepressants. I took a small amount and drank it. I need to hide these properly. I sighed to myself as I sat on the edge of my bed.

Today was not my day at all. I saw my ex walking down the street with her new stupid looking boyfriend. So this is who she replaced me with. I scoffed to myself. I feel way worse so I went back to the therapist. Insomnia. Sleep was my worst enemy. My boss scolded for what felt like hours.

I feel so stupid. Ahhh... I'm not worth anyone's time. I need to stop wasting people's time. This led me to not telling anyone about my depression.

It's been going on for about 5 years already? I don't know. It's so stupid to think about things in the past all over again but I can't help it you know?

I have practice tomorrow. I groaned to myself. I'm so tired of everything. I have to go out and buy things for (Y/N) and her siblings.

I quickly and quietly grabbed my keys and ran out to the nearest convenient store. I walked inside and grabbed this and that and whatever they might need. I also grabbed a snack to eat on the way home.

This is the only thing I ate today.

I feel dizzy to be honest. So, I ran home and dropped her things in her room. Luckily, she was asleep. I finished the snack and sat on the couch.

I hope Jimin is doing ok. He's been getting skinnier these days. And I'm really concerned. When we finish practice together, he doesn't come with us to have dinner. He always says that he has things to do.

I hope he's fine. I shook my thoughts away. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Something in me triggered a thought. I'm so concerned about the other members and (Y/N) and her sibling. I'm so worried for them.

I just have to hide my problems within my smile and "bubbly" personality. This seriously kind of pisses me off. But I shouldn't be. I have great people around me. I just can't help it.

I sat back on the couch and I decided to call Jimin. I hope he ate something today.

"Hello?" I heard him say from the other side of the phone.

"Oi, did you eat today?" I asked him sincerely.

"I told you to stop worrying about me," He said angrily as he ended the call.

I sighed to myself. He's so stubborn.

Next: Jimin's POV

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