Taehyung| Time.

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"Y/n-ah~ i'm going somewhere okay? I'll be right back." He smiled, leaving the hospital. Again.

At 10:32 PM.

Y/n frowned. Her sickness is getting worser. She could die any second.

Taehyung-ah..What's happening with you these days? You'll leave me here. At exactly, 10:30 pm. Everyday.

Y/n grabbed one piece of paper and pen.

She doesn't have that much time. She knows it.

Y/n folded the thin piece of paper, gently putting it on top of the table.


Meanwhile, Taehyung speed walked towards the alley where he'd always meet HER.

He felt someone's presence trailing behind him. Walking towards the corner, where he stopped to turn and to see, no one.

The lamppost was shining bright, you could see his glowing skin.  Around him was dull..

He walked around another corner. As soon as he did, he saw someone. He swallowed his own saliva before speaking,


The mysterious figure that was wearing a black coat turned around, shocking the grown man.

"Taehyung-ah! There you are.." she smiled softly.

There stood, y/n.

"y/n??" He said with wide-eyed.

She looked young, pretty..She doesn't look sick.
It shocked Taehyung.

"I love you so much. Remember that!" she exclaimed, hugging him.

The hug felt warm. It was full of love. Taehyung is slowly regretting..

She whispered to his ear, "i forgive you, and I will always have you in my heart..Be happy.."

"what are you talking about? Why are you out here?" he asked cupping her face.

"oppa!" A girl called. Taehyung turned his head.

"who are you talking to?"

"y-" he pointed at y/n, but, there was no one..

"s-she must've went back to the-"

"oppa~ Stop worrying about that sick bitch~~" she slurred taking his free hand pushing herself to him, kissing him deeply.

In no time, he kissed back. He turned her around pinning her to the cold wall. His long, cold hands went inside her shirt..


After the make-out session, Taehyung went back to the hospital.

He took a glance at his watch.

11:06 PM.

He entered her room but was greeted with silence and emptiness.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing, a nurse.

"Mr.Kim, Miss Y-" the nurse stopped talking when she noticed the hickey.

"where is Y/n?!" he panicked ignoring the nurses' stare.

"she's currently in a bad situation! She's upstairs room 344" she said quickly.

Taehyung ran out crazily. He can't lose her. He can't.

He stopped in front of the room and entered.

He saw lights. Doctors, nurses..one of the doctors was holding a defibrillator.

Y/n looked, dead.


Taehyung started to shake his head in disbelief.
SHE was gone.

"Time of death, 11:30 PM." He heard the nurse.

"i'm sorry Mr.Kim. She's gone." The doctor walked out, the nurses covering her body.

Tears fell. Tears poured down his handsome face.

"I didn't even get to say my last words.."

"I love you y/n-ah.. I'll always love you.."


"Mr.Kim, this letter was mailed to you." his maid entered his room placing the enveloped letter from Kor.Hospital.

His eyes was red from sobbing. He's blaming himself and sometimes, he would cut.

He took the envelope and read the letter.

Mr.Kim, this was found beside Miss. Y/n's bed.

Dear Taehyung,

       You didn't have to lie..I would be fine taking care of myself. You should've left me..I understand. Who would want to take care of my sick ass? Haha..I'm not feeling good..You left me again, 10:30 PM.. My not-so-lucky numbers. Thank you for being my first. First love..and First kiss. I would always look after you..I love you Kim Taehyung. I'll finally be with my family..

  Sick Y/n.. :)

He was sobbing.

"i-i'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry f-for being a jerk..i love you too.."


"i forgive you, and I will always have you in my heart..Be happy.."

Flashback end

Taehyung smiled remembering.

"I miss you"




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