First Preference - Your First Date

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Ross: Ross took you to the carnival, which had finally come to town. To end the perfect date, he ditches cotton candy and kisses you instead.

Riker: Riker took you to the beach. He taught you how to surf, and packed a picnic for the two of you. To end, you both sat on the beach watching the sunset (as Riker cuddles you, of course)!

Rocky: Rocky decided to take you to the movies. He let you choose the movie you were seeing; The Notebook.

Ellington: Ellington wanted to take you to a fancy Italian restaurant. You two wanted to reenact The Lady and the Tramp, where the dogs both have the same spaghetti noodle in their mouthes. You two did just that, and after your lips met, Ellington pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

Ryland: Ryland didn't want to take you anywhere fancy. So he took you to Menchie's. You had told him it was your favourite ice cream place; you had met there. As you were ordering for the two of you, Ryland couldn't help but sneak up from behind and hug you, while whispering, "Just order a medium for me.", kissing your cheek. 

Hi everyone! This is the first preference! Hope you like!





Until next time,

~Ashley xx

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