You Get Into Your First Big Fight (Pt. 1)

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You Get Into Your First Big Fight (Pt. 1)

Ross: "Who said that?!" You snap at your boyfriend. "YOU JUST DID! Oh my god, (Y/N), you're so frustrating!" Ross yells at you as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. You two were in the middle of your first big fight of your relationship. "Me? Frustrating?! WHAT ABOUT YOU?! YOU'RE ALWAYS OUT, WE NEVER SPEND ANYTIME TOGETHER ANYMORE!" You raise your voice, getting more aggravated by the second. Ross' eyes turn a darker brown, and all you could see in them was anger. "I think we some time apart," he finally says, slipping on his black Converse, heading for the front door, gripping the doorknob. "Ross, please! We can work this out!" You say on the verge of tears. You didn't want it to end like this. You take his free hand in yours. "(Y/N), I think I should go." And with those last words, Ross was gone, leaving you crying with no one to comfort you.

Riker: "I'm going out with Rocky, be back soon." Riker calls to you in the kitchen from the front hall. You walk into the front hall. "You're always going out with him, what's up? We never spend any time together anymore!" You exclaim, crossing your arms over your chest. Riker sighs. "We spend a lot of time together, babe. Stop being so clingy." How dare he say that! "I can't believe you! Calling me clingy!" You yell at your boyfriend, making him step toward you. "Want me to be honest? You are, and if you can't accept that, I have to leave." He says calmly. A little too calmly. "So what's that supposed to mean?! We're through?" Riker takes a deep breath, and opens the front door. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." You see the door close and the love of your life walking away. You feel your tears coming down in waterfalls. You couldn't believe it! Your relationship with Riker was practically over!

Rocky: "Can you watch Ariel for me please? I have to go out for a little while," you say to your husband Rocky, who at the moment, wasn't in the greatest mood. "You're always asking me to watch her!" He exclaims. You sigh and roll your eyes. "I'm always asking you because I know for a fact you won't do the grocery shopping!" You shoot back, making him angrier by the second. "What if I do?" He challenges, narrowing his eyes. You roll your eyes. "You're acting like a child, just watch her! I'll be home in half an hour!" You yell at him, making him take a step back. "(Y/N), I-" "Save it, Rocky. I don't want to hear it." And with that, you walk out the door, leaving your husband and daughter behind.

Ellington: "It's not that they don't like you, it's just that they think we're not made for each other!" Your fiancé, Ratliff tries to explain to you. You were on your way home from his parent's house, an they were not acting - if you want to put it this way - nicely, toward you. "Then why are we even together, Ell?! I don't understand! All I've been is nice to them, and what do I get in return?! Hate! I'm just done!" You raise your voice, probably getting weird states from other drivers, but you didn't care. Ratliff sighs. "(Y/N), all that matters is that-" "You love me, I know, got it," you pause, taking a deep breath. "But this really matters to me, Ell. I want your parents to like me! Obviously they don't, so why are putting up with this anymore?!" Your voice is still raised as Ell pulls the car into your shared house's driveway.
"(Y/N), please, don't let it be this way. It doesn't matter what they think. Yeah, okay, they may not be the fondest of you, but I love you and-" "Ell, I think we just - just need some time apart." You get out of the car, getting into your own, leaving Ratliff in his car, frustrated and stuck in the middle.

Ryland: Ever since you were young, you have had a little stutter, and Ryland knew you hated it. And when you got upset, it got worse. But today, you brought up how you felt about it. "I can't see w-why you love m-me," you say, trying your hardest not to stutter. Ryland turns to you. "What do you mean, babe?" "W-why do y-you love me?" "You know why," Ryland sighs. "Why do you feel this way? I love you more than anything," Ryland takes a step toward you, his arms open, but you step away. "Babe," he states. "What's wrong?" "What's wrong?! WHAT'S WRONG IS THAT Y-YOU D-DON'T G-GET IT!" You raise your voice. "Get what?" Ryland says, trying to stay calm. "That you should go and find another girl who isn't as insecure about everything like I am," you say, on the verge of tears, knowing that you didn't want that to happen. "Babe," Ryland sighs. "I love you, and only you. Nothing and nobody could change that." You sigh, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. "I think I should just go." "Why?" "Because." With that, you walked out of - what seemed like - the best thing that's ever happened in your life.

A/N: Hi!

Ryland's is a little different, but I thought I should add it in. I have a stutter, I really don't like it, and if anyone reading this has one, you might not like it, but you'll get through it! I've gotten past mine a few times, but right now, it's really bad.

If you ever need anyone to talk about it, message me anytime!

Comment and vote away,

~Ashley xoxo

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