Movie Nights

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Movie Nights

Ross: On movie nights, you and Ross usually watch his favourite movie, Romeo and Juliet. During the movie as you're cuddling, Ross is reciting the lines from Romeo and Juliet word-by-word with them. You can't help giggle a little at your boyfriend, but he just keeps reciting the lines like it's a new hobby.

Riker: Since both you and Riker don't really like the lovey dovey romantic movies (there are some times where Riker chooses them, just because he's in a mood for one), you will pick a movie like Weekend At Bernie's. You both will kill yourselves laughing - because as they say - laughter is the best medicine.

Rocky: Rocky will usually choose a movie like Friends With Benefits, whereas, you would choose a movie like Love Actually. You both will argue who's movie gets to be played, and eventually, you let Rocky play his just because you love him.

Ellington: You and Ratliff like to watch movies like The Jungle Book, and The Lion King. You both enjoy the Disney children's movies, you both also enjoy re-watching them. You two love to sing along to all the songs in the movies, just because - that's the best part of watching kids movies - you don't have to be a kid to watch them!

Ryland: You and Ryland both like watching movies, but you're both more into video games. That's how you two talked for the first time - you were looking for one of your favourite video games, and Ryland was looking for the same one. So each night you have a - if you want to call it - a video game night, you take turns on who pick the game. When you play, you usually win an rub it in Ryland's face, and he makes up an excuse like "I let you win." But you know that he just doesn't want to man up and say you won, and that's the end of it.

A/N: Hi!

Good morning again!

I hope you like this pref, I've been wanting to post this for awhile; this is one of my favourite prefs that I've written! I just think it's really cute.

I'll be updating the Ryland imagine soon, and if you read my author's note before this, just comment!

Love ya *hugs*,

~Ashley xoxo

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