He Has To Leave To Go On Tour

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He Has To Leave To Go On Tour

Ross: You stand near the terminal, which Ross will have to walk through any minute now to leave on tour. "I don't want you to leave," you cry, clinging to Ross' shirt, your tears falling like waterfalls, soaking his shirt. "I know baby, I don't want to either, but I'll be back soon." Ross says, his tears threatening to spill over as he leans in for one last kiss before he has to go. Your tears fall onto his cheeks, at the same time as your lips move in sync. You both pull away, Ross looking into your eyes. "I love you, (Y/N). Never forget that." After a moment, Riker calls for Ross. "Ross, c'mon! Time to go!" Ross nods in his brother's direction, looking back at you, sighing. "I have to go, babe. I'm sorry, I'll be back soon. I love you." He kisses you one last time before walking toward the rest of the band, into the terminal. Ross turns around, waving. You return the wave, managing a smile.

Riker: You stand on Riker's front porch, saying goodbye before he gets on the tour bus. "Riker, c'mon lets go!" Rocky calls to his brother from the bus. Riker sighs, pulling you into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you," he says sadly. You sigh, looking up at him. "Time will fly by, I promise. We'll see each other in no time at all." You say, trying to keep from crying. "I love you," Riker pauses. "So much." He crashes his lips to yours, then pulling away breathless. "Riker! C'mon!" Rocky calls his brother again. Riker looks at you with sad eyes, staring. You finally speak. "Riker, they need you. Go, please. At least for me." You say, holding back tears. Riker nods. "But please, don't cry. I can't bare to see you like that." "I won't." You promise, kissing him again one last time before he heads onto the bus, leaving once and for all.

Rocky: You watch as Rocky packs his suitcase for tour. Shirts, jeans, Converse, your hoodie... Wait, your hoodie? You take it out of the suitcase, just to have Rocky snatch it out of your hands. "Why are you taking my hoodie?" You inquire. Rocky sighs, averting his eyes from yours. "Because, it's the next best thing to you that I can have on tour with me." He says. You hug your boyfriend. "Aw, are you going to miss me?" You tease, earning a chuckle from Rocky. "Maybe."

Ellington: You didn't want Ratliff to leave on tour, and you were expressing that very much by taking everything out of his bag that he'd already packed. "(Y/N)!" Ell sighs, bringing you into his arms. "You know I don't want to leave, but I have to. I'll be back in no time though." You sigh. "But Ell, I'll miss you! Who will I have to cuddle up to at night?" You say, looking up at your boyfriend. "You'll have Mr. Cuddles!" Ratliff says, holding up a teddy that he had gotten you awhile ago. You can't help but giggle, taking the teddy and smiling. "I guess so," you still giggle, making Ell smile.

Ryland: "(Y/N)! Get back here with my headphones! I need those!" Ryland runs after you, chasing you for his headphones, as you took them out of his suitcase that he'd packed, but you unpacked. "No, I don't want you to leave!" You cry, finally landing on the couch, your head in your hands, the tears streaming down your cheeks in waterfalls. "Hey," a voice says softly, moving your hands gently out of your face. "Don't cry please. I don't want to leave you, either. But you'll see me soon." Ryland picks you up, placing you in his lap, holding you in arms, rubbing your back soothingly. "Ry, time to go," you hear Rydel remind Ryland. Ryland sighs, bringing you out from the hug to look you in the eyes. "(Y/N), listen to me. I love you. So much, baby. I have to go, but remember something for me?" You look at Ryland to continue. "That I'll always be your shining star." He points to the sky, gesturing when it's dark, he'll be the shining star. You smile slightly at his sweet gesture, nodding. "I will." You promised, leaning for one last kiss before Ryland left with the others.

A/N: Hi everyone! I have three days off school, because 1) my class is going camping for two days, and didn't have to go - yay! And 2) on Wednesday, my school is having a strike so there's no school - woo! I'll be updating more!

Anyway, like I always say:

Comment requests for preferences



Until next time,

~Ashley xx

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