"End Up Here" - Song Preference

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"End Up Here" - Song Preference

// (( hey hey my loves! So today is my last day of school for Christmas break! Woo-hoo!  So hopefully I'll be updating more! And here's my question...

... what do ya all want for Christmas? I want a record player, because I already have some records, plus, I found some at my Grandma's house that she said I could have if I get one! Yaya!

-ash xoxo )) //


You walked in, everyone was asking for your name, you just smiled and told them 'Trouble'

You had walked into this club wanting to get away from all your problems. But not get too carried away. "Hey, what's your name, hot stuff?" Some drunk guy had winked at you. You smirked, not saying anything, but your eyes were set on a cute blonde leaning against the wall across the club. You walk toward him, and he looked like he was a deer in headlights. "Hey," you laughed a little, and he smiled. "What's your name? Ross," he holds out his hand, and you smirk even wider. "Trouble," you pause. "(Y/N). You're pretty cute. Wanna get a drink?" And that was a sprout to  beautiful relationship.


Call me lucky cause in the end I'm a six, and she's a ten

You and Riker had always had a little 'competition' to see who loved who more. "It's me," he laughs. "Never! Me!" You giggle, and he smirks. "Would you take a bullet for me?" "In a heartbeat." You answer without even thinking. "You would too, right?" He hugs you, "Of course."


Next day out, everybody thought you were so insane, because you were so out of my league

"Are you sure?" Rocky had asked you warily. "Yes, now stop worrying silly," you turn to him as you walk down the sidewalk. "I don't care what everyone else thinks. I love you and you love me, and that's all that matters, right?" He nods, a soft smile spreading across his lips. "Y-yeah."


How did we end up talking in the first place, you said you liked my Cobain shirt

"So you like Nirvana?" You had asked the cute brunette. "Yeah. Do you?" "No," you say sarcastically, pausing. "OF COURSE! I have the same shirt!" He chuckles. "Really? Mind if I... see it?" He smirks, and you join along. "Sure, why not? C'mon then, we can't waste any time!"


You were telling me how you loved that song about living on a prayer, I'm pretty sure we're halfway there

"I did!" You laugh, and Ryland chuckles. "You did? As much as you love me?" You two were talking about how at one point or another you had told him how liked a song you heard on the radio. "Even more," you joke, making Ry pout. "Awh, babe! That's not very nice!" You giggle. "I was only kidding, Ry! Nothing and no one can reach the level of love I have for you."

// (( hey hey again! Okay so I also wanted to mention... 6 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! AHH! SO EXCITED! As you can tell, I'm pretty excited, and who knows, the Lynches and Ell may be under my tree this year ;)

-ash xoxo )) //

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