Your Celebrity Crush That He's Jealous Of

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Your Celebrity Crush That He's Jealous Of

// (( hey hey my punk rock cuties! So here's your question ...

... are you a fan of any other bands {besides R5}? I also love 5SOS, I'm a huge fan of them and I may have a soft spot for Ashton ;) and I like a lot of bands from the '80's; Journey,  Bon Jovi, Iron Maiden, it's a huge list! Haha!

-ash xo )) //

Ross: Luke Hemmings

Riker: Justin Bieber

Rocky: Zac Efron

Ellington:  Harry Styles

Ryland:  Calum Hood

// (( okay one more question for you guys...

... this is more specific: are you any of a fan of 5SOS? I know I asked what bands you like above, but why not answer both? Haha

-ash xoxo ))//

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