"Life Of The Party" - Song Preference

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"Life Of The Party" - Song Preference

// (( okay so this song is by Shawn Mendes. I love it like a lot haha but it's really inspired me and I thought I'd make a song pref out of it...

... and if you've heard of his name or this song or any of his other songs then we're best friends :3

-ash xoxo )) //


I'm telling you to take your shot, it might be scary, hearts are gonna break

You and Ross had just gotten into your hugest fight yet, and it had gone silent. You decided to break the silence, "Fine, Ross! But I have one thing to say to you: I've always made you happy, and not once, not once, did you make me happy." Ross stared at you, eyes filled with regret and hurt and you turned around, and walked out, not looking back.


Slow dance, fall in love as the club track plays

You and Riker have been best friends for like, ever, and for over a year now, you've liked him more than that, but you knew that he'd never feel the same, I mean, you're his best friend, nothing more. But tonight, you two were stargazing, a little tradition of yours, and for the fun of it, Riker wanted to slow dance. "You're beautiful," he whispers, and you smile, because he always told you this. "I... I love you, (Y/N). More than a friend." He says a minute after, and you're surprised. "I love you too, Riker. I have for a long time." He leans down and connects your lips in a soft, and in your case long awaited, kiss.


I love it when just don't care, I love when you dance like there's nobody there

Because Rocky was at the studio today, you thought you'd put on some music and just dance, relax a little. You aren't a pro dancer, but who is, right? It's just for the fun of it, and thank the lord Rocky wasn't home, because he would've just been laughing at you. "EVERYBODY WANNA STEAL MY GIRRRRRRLLLLLL, EVERYBODY WANNA TAKE HER HEART AWAY! COUPLE BILLION IN THE WHOLE WIDE WOOOORRRRLD, FIND ANOTHER CAUSE SHE-" "Nice moves, babe!" You whip around, and see your boyfriend smirking. "Oh, uh, hey Rocky..." You smile embarrassed, but he just smiles softly at you. "Why don't you ever dance in front of me?" He laughs, and you blush. "Oh, and nice singing, by the way." He winks as he walks back downstairs.


Let them all go home we out late

Everyone had already gone home from your new years party you and Ell had thrown and it was 2:30am, but you two were still wide awake, but Ell, well he was a little drunk. "Babyyyyy," he slurs, and you laugh. "Time to get some sleep." You try to lead him up the stairs, but he stomps his foot, crosses his arms, and pouts. "No! I don't wanna!" Then, after his words came a fit of giggles. "Ell, c'mon, please? What if I told you tomorrow we could go out and get pancakes?" Yes, it was lame, but hey, maybe it will work. "Yeah! Okay, let's go!" You giggle at him, and you both head up, and he flops himself on your shared bed. You helped him into pajamas, then yourself, and fell asleep.


I love it when you don't take no, love it when you do what you want cause you just said so

"I don't think that's a good idea, (Y/N)..." one of your friends tell you warily. "Yeah, don't do it." You were at a party with Ryland, and there was a dancing pole, and since everyone was drunk, they didn't care who did it. So why not? "I'm doing it," you tell them, slightly tipsy, but still sober enough to tell them firmly. You were tired of people - especially your friends - telling you what you could and couldn't do. You stand from your seat, walking to the pole, gripping it, starting to dance, your tipsy senses taking over, moving your hips to the music.

// (( hey hey hey! I hope you all liked this...

... and I cannot express it enough: I. Love. You. Like, more than I love life


Woah. That just got deep. Ahah

But all jokes aside, I do mean it, and never forget it, because like in my video, I did mean it, and never ever ever ever forget that, okay? Okay. {if you get that reference I love you even more} ahah. Stay beautiful,

-ash xoxo )) //

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